Namaskaram, Yesterday i received Members’ card drive by courier but how to listen it in android phone
Sorry for the disturbance.Now i have copied it in the phone and have started to listen. My sincere thanks to velukkudi swamy for this card drive.
this is regarding what card (USB Pen drive?) and topic ?
Yes, Pen drive Topic – Bhagavath Geethai
1 Vaishnava lakshanam - Aatma Sakshatkaaram
2 Brahmam, Jiva and Jadam
3 Mention of Modern Technologies in Vedas
4 Seeing the Acharya as Bhagavan's Avataram
5 Satvic food
1 Can chethanam come from achethanam?
2 Hari hara brahma supujitha sevitha Gaja Lakshmi SadhA PAlayamAm?
3 Rama Rajyam Possible?
4 what is real story of nara narayana?
5 Mahalakshmi greater than Vishnu by Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy
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