adiyen and Adiyen

Updated on December 4, 2020 in General
17 on November 5, 2020


I have observed several bhakthas to mention as Adiyen at the signature / in the body of the post. I understand, when one prepare the draft in word software, if it is the first word, it shows as Adiyen. I used to edit it as adiyen. I think there is a difference in mentioning between ‘adiyen’ and ‘Adiyen’. Any thoughts?.



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Jayaram swamy, namaskaram.

Am I right in understanding that you are implying ‘adiyen’ expresses more humility than ‘Adiyen’. Then Adiyen would express more humility than ADIYEN? Along the same logic, does adiyen in font zero express more humilty that adiyen in font 10?















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Namaskaram Jayaram swami,

Although I am comparatively a beginner with regards to learning about Vaishnavam, let me share my thoughts in this. I must say this is a very interesting question as I have never thought of this before.

  1. I think when we write “Adiyen”, the thought process is “I am a servant” with even more importance attached to the fact that we are servants, due to the capital “A”.
  2.  Whereas when we write “adiyen”, the thought process is “I am a servant and I am most certainly not to be revered more than a speck of dust in a grass in a grass field”. The small “a” signifies this aspect.

Both are to be understood in different aspects. But still the meaning is the same. 

However, when we write in தமிழ், we write as   “அடியேன்”. There is no capital or small letter here. I think it’s best to use this.

So, since அடியேன் is a தமிழ் word, I think the very thought of writing it in English as  either “Adiyen” or “adiyen”  can be encouraged, regardless of using capital or small letter “a”. It depends on the thought process of various Bhaagavathas. But it’s better if we don’t get too much into this…

Thank you Jayaram swami for posting this question.

Let other Bhaagavathas too share thoughts on this for more clarity…



Also, my point in the above reply is although “adiyen” and “Adiyen” appears different to us, the word still means அடியேன், and தமிழ் words don’t have capital or small letter…

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By the way, what is the tamil word for ‘capital letter’? ‘Capital city’ ‘தலை நகரம்’ என்றால், ‘capital letter’ ‘தலை எழுத்து’ தானே?!!! :))

Yes Swami, we can tell capital letter as தலை எழுத்து or maybe even பெரிய எழுத்து. But why should that bother us? 

The concept of capital letter and small letter is from western languages. தமிழ் doesn’t have that concept at all…

நகைச்சுவையில் அடியேனின் அற்ப முயற்சி தங்கள் கையில் இப்படி bulb வாங்கும் என்று எதிர்பார்க்கவில்லை! 🙁

Namaskaram Swami,

I was in a neutral feeling when I wrote that and was not sure whether it was a joke or not. Anyways your நகைச்சுவை unfortunately got destroyed by me. 🙂

நான் இப்போது சிரிக்க வேண்டுமா, அழ வேண்டுமா என்று எனக்குத் 

நகைசுவை bulb வாங்கிய நகைசுவையை நினைத்து சிரிக்கலாமே! 🙂

Adiyen Swami!

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2 on November 7, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Namaskaram Swami’s,

To add flavour to the conversations, SriVaishana blog writers use different types while writing in English, but definitely there is only one in Tamil as “அடியேன்“,


‘1) adiyen

‘2) adiyEn,

‘3) Adiyen,


Not sure of these interpretations in English, but it is interesting. So its up to the readers own mind boggling to consider what it would imply, so for our own safer side, when we write, lets attach the below gif file in every of our posts, so that the reader can pick which ever format is needed for them…….. What does devotees think about it?

(ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) Dasan.

Namaskaram ElayaAlwar Swami,

If a Bhaktha addresses himself as அடியேன், the usage of the word is more important than how we write (like capital letter or small letter). That is my opinion of course. That is why in the previous post, I have mentioned that both forms can be used, and can be interpreted differently so that the meaning is same.

The problem here is , if we use a gif like this, just because of the reason that we want to be on the safer side, what if others consider this very much important, and forget all other much more important things?

Let’s think for a moment ,Swami. Do we see any Bhaktas, addressing themselves as அடியேன் in different tones of voice, to be on the “safer side”? Obviously No…

If I have said anything wrong, please forgive me.


on November 8, 2020

Very true🙏

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0 on November 11, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Namaskaram “Sharavan of Swami’s Upanyasams” Swami,


Though our thoughts are valid, we have to look back into questioner  (Jayaram Swami’s) perspective.


We all know from Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami’s upanyasam, there is only One bhavam for one word in Tamil “அடியேன்”, but 

Jayaram Swami’s question is what are the thoughts for writing as ‘adiyen or Adiyen’ in English. Is there a Bhavam difference here. So the answer is “NO”, there is only one Bhavam for அடியேன், if written in whichever way in English. One may think “Adiyen” is the correct Bhavam, another may think “Adiyen” is correct Bhavam, but as long as by Mind if one has the common Bhavam as meant by Poorvacharyas, how does it matter in which way it is written in English. So if some devotees start thinking only one of the word ‘adiyen‘ in English is close to the Bhavam Tamil word அடியேன் then that’s their personal thought which is also valid, since some others may have different perspective as ‘adiyEn‘ or ‘Adiyen‘ is closest to the Bhavam in Tamil word அடியேன். So, ‘ADIYEN‘ was trying to provide a gestural answer by using the gif file by stating in the above thread as “……..So its up to the readers own mind boggling to consider what it would imply, so for our own safer side, when we write, lets attach the below gif file in every of our posts, so that the reader can pick which ever format is needed for them……..”

Does devareer get this point? That is another reason Adiyen need to keep more detailed explanations for each and everything, since we may not know which of the three Gunas are in peak on that moment, while one reads and write.

Anyway, No worries “Sharavan of Swami’s Upanyasams” Swami.


(ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) Dasan.

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நமஸ்காரம் இளைய ஆழ்வார் சுவாமி,

அடியேனின் சிற்றரிவுக்கு தங்களுடைய விளக்கம் முழுமையாக புரியவில்லை…


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0 on November 16, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Namaskaram “Sharavan of Swami’s Upanyasams” Swami,


Regarding devareer’s note on other thread as “(……….தங்களுடைய திருவடிகளை நான் மனதார பற்றி வணங்குகிறேன்) அடியேன்”

Adiyen would like to explain in relation to this thread devareer’s quest for understanding as mentioned “……அடியேனின் சிற்றரிவுக்கு தங்களுடைய விளக்கம் முழுமையாக புரியவில்லை…” 


This is common in Devotees initial stages of  Spiritualism, Bhakthi and Kainkaryam, common to All. So NO worries. Adiyen will elaborate little more with Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami’s Aasirvadham.



Step 1: saying just அடியேன் (transliteration as adiyen or adiyEN or Adiyen or ADIYEN) all means JUST “I” with Humbleness ONLY.

Step 2: This will populate next question அடியேன் what?

அடியேன் ராஜா (King) or அடியேன் தாஸன் (Servant). This is next step.

So, we devotees wanted to say அடியேன் தாஸன் (I’m Servant), which is better than அடியேன் (I with HUmbleness) ONLY,

Step 3: The Step2 itself doesn’t prove whose servant we are since it says merely as “I’m Servant” ONLY, Due to the fact that there are Satvik Gurus, Rajasik Gurus and Tamasik Gurus around, so when we say just அடியேன் தாஸன், then someone of Rjaasik or Tamsik Guru’s will start claiming that you are Dasan of mine, which is more dangerous situation. So for ones own safer side, we should pick the Satvik Guru name and say “I’m Servant of this particular Satvik Mahan

So adiyen has noticed that many write without even saying “Step 1”, like Step0, “just blank signature at the end after answering“, This is more dangerous since we don’t know on whose Krupai their source of the answer is based upon. It will add confusion. Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami’s posts are exception, since our source of Knowledge is from Swami, but we cannot take that instance and leave signature as blank at the end.

So definitely,

Step1 by just saying அடியேன் (I with humbleness) is good compared to Step0, and

Step2 அடியேன் தாஸன் (I’m Servant) is better than Step1 but still not great, and

Step 3 அடியேன் XXXXXX தாஸன் (I’m Servant of this particular Satvik Mahan) is best than Step2, 

To avoid the confusion on whose name to to pick for Step3, we know Swami RamanujAr is the  Satvik JagadacharyAr , so we can use any names of Swami RamanujAr and fill in the XXXXX as:

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan or Adiyen UdayavAr Dasan or Adiyen ElayaAlwar Dasan etc……….

Adiyen has also noticed that since our Spiritual Knowledge is from Swami Ramanuja Sambhandhi Satvik Guru like Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami, one of the BhagavAta KP Swami used to say as “Adiyen Velukkudi Dasan“.

This post is not just for devareer, but also for all other devotees who wanted to be on safer side by following Step3, if not Step2 is dangerous since someone will claim you are my dasan if we leave it open as Adiyen Dasan since it doesn’t tell whose dasan we are?.

But one has the freedom to chose whose dasan one needs to be, better it be Satvik Guru for our own Athma UjjivanAm (No rebirth and permanent Kainkaryam) to get BhagavAt Krupai.


Adiyen Velukkudi Dasan,

AcharyAn ThiruvAdigalaey Sharanam,

(ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) Dasan,


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0 on November 16, 2020

Srimate Raamanujaye Namaha,

Yes true that we can state adiyen of Sri Raamanujar. 

But aren’t we “adiyen” of other jeevas as well, atleast whom we refer to as “swami” , else calling or addressing others as swami would not be meaningful. isn’t it?



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0 on December 4, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaya Namaha

I guess it’s grammar of English. I use Adiyen instead of adiyen, because new letters in new lines should be Capital letters. I hope its correct.


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