Role of Satva Guna in Scientific Discoveries

Updated on April 16, 2021 in General
4 on April 7, 2021

Swamin, Namaskaaram!

While Satva Guna is prerequisite to gain knowledge in spiritual domain, what is its role in people who make profound scientific discoveries? Is that can we assume that such scientific discoveries happened when their Satva Guna was at its relative peak? Asking this question, because, we can easily note that major scientific discoveries currently happen in countries where satvic food consumption is least.

Satva Guna gets defined (in one way) as a state where mind can think clearly without prejudice or bias.

Major scientific discoveries happen out of hard work. Given this, is there any relationship between level of Satva Guna and being a hard worker?

Is nature of food intake alone a decisive factor for being dominated by Satva or Rajo or Tamo gunas?

Kindly forgive, if I have not framed my question clearly.

Will be grateful to have your kind insights on this topic.


Adiyen Ramanujadaasan.

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1 on April 11, 2021

Srimate Raamanujaye namaha,

Swamy scientific discoveries can also be classified as satva rajas and tamas. Those which are in harmony with nature without any side effects and which makes life simple will be satva guna discovery…99% of recent day discoveries will not fall in this category..but our ancient vedic science like ayurveda, vaastu sastra vedic mathematics, aryabhatta s inventions etc can be considered as sattvic discoveries..

Rajas based discoveries makes man more hardworking and greedy. Tamas makes humanity to break sastric / nature s laws.

Discovery is a function of how much endeavour and desire a soul has..usually in punya bhoomi like india souls are more inclined to spirit than matter so we dont see much discoveries (material) here..but most of all spiritual discoveries are in India.


RS swamy, namaskaram.

En pani swamy namaskaram. well said!

Bhagavad GIta 14 chapter gives the description of the three gunams – satvam, rajas and tamas. We learn that the three gunams are intertwined and everything and everyone in this world is influenced by the three gunams; the ratio of the three can vary from person to person, time to time, situation to situation. But influence of all three are present simultaneously. It requires a great deal of discrimintion to correctly ascertain which of the three gunams is predominating in any situation. So, it is very important for everyone of us to repeatedly hear upanyasam on this chapter and understand it well, so that we can strive to keep ourself in predominantly satvam influence.

The 14.17th slokam says ‘from satva gunam comes real knowledge, from rajas comes greed, and from tamas comes illusion and madeness’. 

The ‘real knowledge’ that comes from satvam refers to that knowldge which enables one to distinguish between sat versus asat – eternal versus temporary. sat knowledge influences us to choose things that are good for the soul; lack of sat knowledge influences us to choose that which seems pleasurable for the body.

So, whether the scientific discoveries were made in satva gunam or rajo gunam or tamo gunam can be guaged based on whether or not the discovery aims at the good of the eternal soul, or it aims at the comfort, convenience and sense of pleasure of the body and mind. (most discoveries will have a mix of all three gunams in varying proportions. Some can be predominantly in satvam, others predominantly in rajas or tamas).

The 17th chapter helps us understand the three gunams better. Here, how the motivation of the person (i.e. in which of the three gunams the person’s motivation situated predominantly) determines the kind of faith he has, the kind of austerities and penances he undergoes, the kind of diet he consumes, and the kind of sacrifices or donations he makes.

The 18th chapter further explains the three kinds of motivation of the person, which influences the three kinds of actions of the peson, his understanding, his determination to execute things and the kind of happiness he experiences. 

Although we can not fathom the motivation of a person directly, the external actions and other symptoms, or the outcome of the actions can help us understand in which of the three gunams a person (someone else, or oneself) is situated in.

We can hear upanyasams and learn the relevant sections on the three gunams, and based on that we can gauge in which of the three gunams modern scientists are predominantly situated.

adiyen dasan. 

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0 on April 12, 2021

Namaskaram to Enpanifan Swamy and Kambandasan Swamy,

Many Thanks for having shared those deep insights concerning this topic. Got clarity.

Adiyen Ramanujadaasan.

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0 on April 16, 2021

Why was Nuclear Bomb invented? Shuddha Sathva GuNa? 🤔

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