Blessing – Enpani reference

Updated on September 16, 2021 in Good qualities for human
5 on September 9, 2021


adiyen listened to an audio regarding “how to bless, when some body prostrate” (not the title). I remembered that to be an enpani audio. I tried to locate, but could not. Can anyone provide the enpani audio number.


SriVaishnava dasan

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4 on September 14, 2021

Srimate Raamanujaye Namaha!

Swamy yes i remember hearing this but could not find the audio..but there is one audio # 1893.. on how to receive blessings.


on September 14, 2021

Thank you, swamy.

During my search, I got audio #1893. But I need the other one, i.e., giving blessing. 

OK. It is alright.


Several years ago when someone blessed me “ácharya kataasham astu” (“may you be subject to acharya’s merciful glance”) I was happy.

Now when I think about it, it is such a good blessing! It is the best blessing anyone can receive. Also, when someone is offering us respect and we are supposed to bless them, but we ourselves feel we are not qualified to bless anyone, then we can simply say / pray “may acharya’s glance be upon you”.

adiyen dasan.

on September 15, 2021

In the enpani audio what I am looking for, Velukkudi Krishnan swamy has adviced to invoke Lord Narayanan while blessing. But I do not remember the exact wordings.


Thank you Swamy. If you come across the enpani you are looking for, please share.


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