Srimate Ramanujaya Nemaha
Namaskaram Swamy
Is Nithyavibuthi a part of Bagavan Sriman Narayanan’s thirumeni?
Please clarify this doubt Swamy
With respects and regards,
Adiyen Venkhatesh
Srimate Ramanujaya Nemaha
Namaskaram Swamy
Is Nithyavibuthi a part of Bagavan Sriman Narayanan’s thirumeni?
Please clarify this doubt Swamy
With respects and regards,
Adiyen Venkhatesh
All chit and achit are part of Bhagavan Sriman Narayanan’s thirumeni. Chit and achit exists in both nithyavibhuthi and leelavibhuthi. There is nothing which is not part of Bhagavan Sriman Narayanan’s thirumeni. Hence, Bhagavan Sriman Narayanan’s thirumeni contains both nithyavibhuthi and leelavibhuthi.
Achith exists in Nithya Vibhuthi?
Never heard of it Swamy. What is the source?
How can there be Achith in Nithya Vibhuthi?
Sudha Satva – Pure Satva based achit without the mix of rajas and tamas. It is divine and has “svayam prakaasa” even though it is an achit. It is present only in the divine Shree Vaikunta Parama Pada and shines only for nityaas and muktas as per the wish of Paramaatma Naaraayanan. The “nitya vibhuti” of Vishnu is composed of this with nityaas and muktaas eternally serving the Lord in it.