adiyen Ramanuja dasan
Namaskaram Swamy
What is work
Who is doing the work
Who is creating difference between spirituality and wordly affairs
What is wordly affairs made of
1. What is work
Work is always kainkerium
No matter what you do
But the thought “I am doing the work ” is the problem
All wordly affairs are done by jeevatma only under the holy feet of Acharya
So any thing done under the holy feet of Acharya is always kainkerium
No individual can work independently
This is kartritva thyagam Bhagavat Gita 2 adiyayum
So all work is spiritual
2. Who is doing
Only Acharya is doing all the work though the agency of individual jeevatma
But mind thinks it is doing itself that is the problem
This is mama thyagam Bhagavat Gita 2 adiyayum
3. Who is creating the difference between spirituality and wordly affairs
mind is creating the difference
There is only spirituality
Worldly affairs is a concept of mind not a reality
Acharya is the only reality
4.what is wordly affairs made of
World affairs is the Leela of Acharya
Acharya does the Leela through the agency of sishya
So what ever work one is doing is actually done by Acharya alone and so the benefits to only Acharya
This is palan thyagam Bhagavat Gita 2 adiyayum
So no matter what one is doing but the three thyagam make all work spiritual
So one can surrender to Acharya
Things will happen automatically
thoughts of adiyen Acharya
adiyen dasan