Question on how to understand Antaryamitva?

Updated on August 26, 2017 in Holy Books
10 on August 24, 2017

Shri Velukkudi Swamigalin Thiruppadhangalukku Aneka Koti Namaskarams

Adiyen have a honest question as below.

We are functioning because of Lord Sriman Narayana, though Jiva makes choices. Lord Narayana directs us from Vaikuntam through His sanyityam or by directly staying within us?

Let Adiyen give two examples for better understanding of Adiyen’s questions.

1. In a dark room, a candle lighted at center of room gives light to whole room and removes darkness. Candle and light are not directly present in every spot of room but the Sanyithya of Agni at center removes darkness.

2. Sooryan is present at far distance from world. Due to Sun, water evaporates from ocean, forms clouds, carried away by wind and pours as rain. Though Sun is not physically present, his Sanyithyam is moolakaranam of above. Similarly, plants grow due to Sanyithyam of Sun and Sun does not get in physical contact with plants.

Adiyen is not speaking from Sankhya Philosophy point of view, as Adiyen is convinced with concept of Vedanta that Baghavan is involved in each and every action of Jiva and Jada.

Adiyen’s question is, “Whether Lord Sriman Narayana supports us through His Sanyityam from Vaikuntam itself or He is individually present in all.”

At the same time, Vedas also states Brahmam does not have parts and is one.

Adiyen request Swamy to bless with knowledge and remove Adiyen’s ignorance.

Sarvam Shri Krishnaarpanamastu!

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1 on August 25, 2017

VS Karunakaran Swamy solluvar, Venkeshwaran dhan Shivan, venki dhan Vishnu, venki dhan brahma nu sollanum.

Reverse la sollapdathu, Shivan dhan venkateshwaran , Indran , Varunan dhan Perumal nu. It’s wrong.

Indha answerkkum questionkum enna sampandham? Theriyadhu, post pannanumnu thonithu poten.

This has nothing to do with my Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy’s answer.

Adiyen holding full responsibility


on August 25, 2017

Danyosmi Swamy. Oralavukku neer solvadhu puriyaradhu. Melum purinthukolla muyarchi pandren.

Daasanu Daasan Srinivasan

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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,

Thanks Baktha for the Beautiful Question.

Sri Velukkudi Krishna Swami Maharaj ki Jai,
Sarvam SriKrishna Kudumbham.

on August 25, 2017

Aneka Koti Namaskarams

Thank you. Awaiting Swamy’s response. In case Swamy has already addressed this somewhere and Adiyen missed to notice it, please let Adiyen know the links.

Sarvam Shri Krishnaarpanamastu!

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2 on August 26, 2017

Shri Velukkudi Swamigalin Thiruppadhangalukku Adiyenin Kotanakoti Namaskaram

Devarir answered Adiyen’s question in today’s Enpani audio. Adiyen feel blessed and got clarifications. Thank you for considering Adiyen’s question.

Daasanu Daasan Srinivasan Pranesh

on August 26, 2017

Super answer pathela? All questions answered. Perumal parts, vyApakam , AntharyAmithvam “AntharyAmi brAhmanam”.

Kekkum bodhey mei silirkardhu

on August 26, 2017

Aam Swamy. Adhudhan Acharyarin Perumai. Puriumpadi solvaar.

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0 on August 26, 2017

Bhakthi is never ending as Swami told in previous EnPani audio.

Vittu odalaam nu paathaalum Perumal uda maatengaraar.

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1 on August 26, 2017

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

on August 26, 2017

Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,

Dhanyosmi Swami for Enpani #755 ” Is GOD At A Distance Or Close to Us”.

Super Sonneergal Baktha’s as

“Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam” and “Adhudhan Acharyarin Perumai”.

Perfectly said as above.

“Hailing our Sathvik-Guru Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami” and “Acharyan ARUL” both will cross us from this Samsaram (Athma Ujjivanam) and reach Moksham ‘Sri Vaikuntam’ in this same birth.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Adiyen Acharya Dasan,
Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan,
Sarvam Sri Krishna kudumbham.

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