ராமானுஜர் பற்றி அவதுறு

Updated on September 9, 2023 in Acharyas
3 on September 5, 2023

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How to ignore and go beyond this type of people
In shri Bhashyam any such reference of Manu smriti ???

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1 on September 5, 2023

For your words: “How to ignore and go beyond this type of people”

My opinion: Stop watching NEWS…

on September 7, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Correct stop news altogether in any media.

VishwAmitrar is Brahmin by birth?

Didn’t Dasarathar, Sri Ram & Sri Lakshman do sevA to him?

The Gayathri Mantam all Brahmins recite is based on VizhwAmitrar a born Kshatriya. Correct?

So above translated references are factually incorrect and logically invalid.

Of course Krishna Premi Swamy says

“Go BrahmaNebyo shubhamastu nithyam lOkA samasthA sukhinO Bhavanthu”

If Brahmins and cows are healthy the entire world is healthy Sri Krishna Premi Swamy Says.

Swamy explains: The one who has compassion towards any lifeform is called Brahmin. A cow 🐮 gives milk 🐄 like a mother. Therefore these two are to be protected for the well being of the world.

It is correct because why would anyone hate love 💞?


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0 on September 9, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy answered in EnPaNi 2942.

In crux “Ignore and not worth to discuss”


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