Adiyen Ramanuja dasan
Thank you so much to Sri U.Ve Velukudi Krishnan Swami for sharing his thoughts on a daily basis, which is helping us to be connected to Vedic teachings and look things happening around us in Vedic perspective.
Seeking your blessing and praying for your entire family’s good health and prosperity.
Appreciating the great efforts for conducting Srirangam Padasala and Now Starting Padasala In Sriperumpudur.
Need your help to advise what the non-brahmins can do in regard to Gurukul education system?
even though we are not eligible for learning certain part of Vedas, I understand we can learn certain other parts, right? by learning this we can also be a support system to the society to promote Vedic lifestyle. So, can you help to accommodate such educational topics / short term courses in the Gurukul started in Sriperumbudur? so that whoever interested can join and learn? Need your advice and assistance to society