Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
With reference to below WhatsApp post which quoted Swami Mukkur Lakshmi NrusimhAchAriyAr
*Sparsha Deeksha satisfies hunger when birds hug their babies during toughwind times
* Dhruk Dheeksha satisfies hunger when mother fish sees baby fish
* Smarana Deeksha satisfies hunger when mother tortoise thinks of baby tortoise
These qualities not present in human but when doing pinda prafhAnam why not it satisfies hunger of forefathers? – The post ended like this.
The answer adiyen got from sender was “Bhakthi” &”Shraddha” makes it work.
Adiyen’s question what about living?
When my son is in foreign I should think of perumAl and his hunger should get satisfied.