994 More confusing which moodhAdhayar in Srivaikuntam?

Updated on April 22, 2018 in General
5 on April 21, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

An Athma would have undergone multiple births. Which janma forefathers would the athmA might think of if he could?


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0 on April 21, 2018

Swamy. Exactly the same doubt arouse me too.

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0 on April 21, 2018

Then Aathma has to remember and recall the anaathi Jenma moothaathayars – could be manushya or animal etc.

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Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,

Dear BhagavAtas,

Adiyens understanding from Swamis audio is “Athma has ABILITY to recall, but Athma in SriVaikuntam (without karmas) WILL NOT do it, as the Athma is involved FULLY in BhagavAn’s Guna Anubhavam in SriVaikuntam , so it won’t recall any memories while the Athma was in Samsaram with Karmas in any Janmas.

Due to Bhagavans Guna Anubhavam SUPERCEDING Athmas ability to recall samsara nemories in SriVaikuntam, Athma WIILNOT be able to recall anything about Samsaram in SriVaikuntam, is what Swami said.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu.

on April 22, 2018

Swamy i did not have the same confusion while hearing because I think I heard Swami saying that if a jeevatma intends or wishes to see his ancestors by affection he has ability to do…but he does not wish so because he is overwhelmed with joy with his service to Perumaal.
So in this explanation it is referring to specific ancestors with whom..the jeevatma might have affection…so it refers to one particular life…and can be any of the past lives….

on April 22, 2018

Dhanyosmi all,

“Athma has ABILITY to recall, but Athma in SriVaikuntam (without karmas) WILL NOT do it”

Then why is there mention of AthmA able to recall if it’s completely unnecessary?

We are devoid of all gunAs or worldly emotions in Srivaikuntam. While in archiAdhi mArgam after bathing in vrajA river we are soul as unlimited knowledge. adiyen guess there will be no individual qualities left out after this stage.

This sAmsAric knowledge if exists will it not corrupt the anubhavam in Srivaikuntam?

Do individual memories exists ? If yes are we truly liberated? If no, is it my moodhAdhayar or your moodhAdhayar?

What are MukhthAthmA’s lakshanams? SAmyApathi mOksham are we still categorized there?

Is there a possibility of nithyAthma to illtreat mukhthAthmA?

NithyAthmAs can do avathAram on Bhumi. Will mukhthAthmA take avathAram back on Earth?

Let’s assume mukhthAthmA won’t prefer to come back, what forces NithyAs to take avathAram? Is it perumAl’s Sankalpam?

What if mukhthAthmA wishes to take avathAram on Earth? (He is capable ) correct?

If he comes back won’t “Na cha Punar AvarthathEy” get dhosham?

Adiyen understood from Velukkudi Swamy’s explanation that “avathAram” is not because of karma.

Why will an unbounded AthmA come to samsAram?

Adiyen recollect GarudAzhwar intervening the Srimad Ramayanam scene

Was Srivaikunta NAthan not present there what made Garudan to make an entry?

There is also a story that during smoke time in Srivaikuntam Krishna completed avathAram on Earth. Could be time cycle difference

Should PerumAl leave the place? If yes, won’t “sadA pashyathi sooraya:” get dhosham and “sarvam.vishnu mayam jagath” get dhosham?


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