ஸ்ரீமதே ரங்கராமானுஜ மஹாதேசிகாய நம:
பரசு ராமர் செய்தது சரியா?
Vikramji, I have a similar question too and posted it in here. Were you able to get a reply on your sandeham?
1 Vaishnava lakshanam - Aatma Sakshatkaaram
2 Brahmam, Jiva and Jadam
3 Mention of Modern Technologies in Vedas
4 Seeing the Acharya as Bhagavan's Avataram
5 Satvic food
1 When greats like Velukkudi & Ranganathan Swamy are there why am I creating videos?
2 EnPaNi - 3278 How we know what others will do with our help in advance?
3 My first content SriVaishNavam - Daya - Forgiveness
4 Sri VaishnavargalOdu eppadi Vadham Seivadhu?
5 EnPani 3185 best EnPaNi
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