Dear Swamy/பெரியவா,
Adiyen ramanuja dasan,
Knowingly/Unknowingly a person did lot of bad/sad/sin/etc activities in the past and later realised and trying to get move towards Baghavatha sampandham. ! But that person is feeling Shy/Thayakam to merge with Baghvatha Ghosti due to his Surroundings/Past friends/relatives will judge him with the past activities and new role of Merging with Baghvadha they never accept. How to handle that situation?. Mind keep reminding those past flashback. Should we keep brave to forget the past and move towards Baghwans world. Or should we stay in last/far to see ghosti and just try to do prayers from remote and we are not allowed to merge?.
How to remove sankocham from mind !.
Adiyen neechan.