பகவானிடம் தாய்மைக்கான பண்பு இல்லையா??

Updated on September 24, 2022 in General
4 on January 4, 2021

பகவான் ஜீவன்கட்கு ஸ்வாதந்திரியத்தை அளித்து, அவர்கள் அதனைக்கொண்டு பாவ அல்லது புண்ய கர்மங்களை செய்வதில் தலையிடாமல் பார்த்துக்கொண்டு இருக்கிறார்.
ஆனால் அதற்குறிய பலனை / தண்டனையை கொடுப்பதில் மட்டும்
இது பாரபட்ஷம் இல்லையா?
இது தாய்மைக்கான பண்பு இல்லையே? இவ்வுலக தாய் கூட தன் பிள்ளைகள் தவறான வழி செல்லாமலிருக்க மிக்க ப்ரயத்தனம் படுகிறார்களே? அவர்களை விட பன்மடங்கு சிறந்த லோக மாதாவான பகவான் ஏன் அலட்சியமாக / உதாசீணனாக இருக்கிறார்?
அடியேன் இராமாநுசதாசன்.

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0 on January 4, 2021

Srimate Ramaanujaye Namaha!

Swamy, Bhagawaan has given us innumerable number of Rishis, Acharyaas,  vedas, puranaams etc..  So many books, upanyasams, bhaagawata goshti etc.. So we cannot say he has left us without care.

These are reflection of his motherly care.

But since he wants to respect our free will he lets the choice to us.

Next by hearing these good information we still make bad choice, next step is to give reactions to those actions and that is also act of kindness so that the child will learn what is wrong and will accordingly change.

So even though it appears that He is neutral or not caring, he is indirectly caring for each one of us in each of our step..but He makes it appear to us as though he is not caring.




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2 on January 10, 2021

Srimatae Ramanujaya Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami ThiruvAdigalaey Sharanam,

Asmadh Sarva Gurubhyo Namaha,




This is a beautiful question Srinivasa Swami and best attempt to answer by Portraying kindness of BhagavAn, and many have this doubht, so adiyen will explain/share answer to All BhagavAtas with Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Sri Velukkuid Krishnan Swami Aasirvadham.


BhagavAn has Anantha Koti Kalyana Gunas of which when HE tries to execute one of HIS Kalyana Gunas, then HIS another Kalyana Gunas interferes.

So BhagavAn keeps two of HIS Kalyana Gunas conflicting to each other all the time, so we will not be able to know which one HE chooses at which Time.



Consider these Extreme Ends two Kalyana Gunas of BhagavAn

1) NirHedukai Krupai (Causeless Mercy),

2) Nigrahum Anugrahatthin Seikayei (Punishment us Blessing in Disguise).


Technically both Kalyana Gunas are BhagavAns Krupai showered on us, same as 

பகவானிடம் தாய்மைக்கான பண்பு

In case 1), there is no pain for us to face this Krupai of BhagavAn., but in case 2) there is pain involved in receiving this type of Krupai of BhagavAn.


Example “Gajendra Azhvan’s (Elephant) struggle with Crocodile”:

Gajendra considered himself as powerful and thought he can save his leg and himself from crocodile. But the struggle went for 1000 years in Krita yuga (life period was definitely higher). But after he lost all his energy, he called up on “Adhi Moolame…..”, then BhagavAn came running to the spot to help.

So for 1st 1000 years, Gajendra was facing BhagavAn’s Udhaseenatvam Gunam (Kandu Kollaamal Iruppadhu), why because Gajendra believed He could save himself and didnot have full Maha Vishwasam on BhagavAn, so explicitly he was facing BhagavAn’s case 2) guna “Punishment is Blessing in Disguise”.

But when Gajendra surrendered, then he faced BhagavAn’s case 1) Guna. BhagavAn himself came to the spot instead of saving him from SriVaikuntam. HE himself removed the blood she’d on Gajendra’s leg with cloth and healed him. This shows BhagavAn’s “Vaastsalyam (Mother’s Care)“.


So BhagavAn keeps two types of HIS on Kalyana Gunas conflicting to each other and HE showers one Kalyana Gunas depending up how we utilize our “Jeeva Seathantriyam (Freedom/Freewill)”.



Some extra Information with Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami’s Aasirvadham.


Below is a much detailed version of How BhagavAn’s Kalyana Gunas and Our Jeeva Swathantriyam are tied together, and BhagavAn’s rolls HIS dice (Leelai) from Swami’s “VaarthaMaalai” Upanyasam. Vaartha Maalai means “A Garland made of Holy Words”, which is a beautiful grantham complied with holy words/conversation of many of our past Poorvacharyas who lived different times.


There are 6 things that BhagaVAn does during Creation of Andam/Lokams and then while HE gives body to a BhaddAthmA (JeevAthmA in this Suffering Samsaram, presently anyone of us)

  1. KarthrivtAm,

  2. KaarayAthritvAm,

  3. Anumanthritvam,

  4. UdhaseenathvAm,

  5. SakakaarithvAm,

  6. PhalaprAdhatvAm,


1) KarthrivtAm:

Supreme BhagavAN SriKrishna makes Sankalpam (Kartha)first after creating of basic elements and before giving a JeevAthma the first Body for Brahma post,

This Sankalpam Wish of BhagavAn is “Yellarum Unmaye Paesanum (one should speak truth), Nalladhu mattum seyyanum (one should do only good things), Dhaana Dharma Kaaryangal seyyanum (,Donate for Dharma activities) Kainkaryam pannanum (Service to Supreme BhagavAn to absolute humility) etc and so many good things BhagavAN makes the 1st WISH……

This Sankalpam is SOLEY/PURELY BHAGAVAN’s wish ONLY (Kartha), and there is no involvement of JeevAthmas or our Jeeva Swathantriyam or Karmas/Vaasanaas yet.

2) KaarayAthritvAm

This Sankalpam of BhagavAn is the turning point. Here BhagavAN makes that Sankalpam that HIS 1st Sankalpam “Karthritvam” be implemented/accomplished to a JeevAthma THROUGH THEIR OWN KARMAS”. Here BhagavAn makes one do (Kaaraya) HIS WISH through other JeevAthma’s KARMAS through THEIR OWN “Jeeva Swathantriyam (Independently Dependent on BhagavAn)”. SO, BhagavAN is not RESPONSBILE FOR OUR EVERY ACTION.

The reason why BhagavAn implements HIS WISH (Good things) through a JeevAtham’s Karmas is due to the fact that JeevAthma has “Jeeva Swathantriyam (Independently Dependent on BhagavAn)” . If BhagavAN does everything, thorugh HIS wish, then we need to be Achit (Insentieint/Jada Porul), but we are Chit (Sentient JeevAthmas) and Not Achit (Insentient/Jada Porul) with Jeeva Swathantriyam, so BhagavAN wants to see How we are going to make utilize of Jeeva Swathantriyam (Independently Dependent on BhagavAn)In Good path same as HIS thoughts or in Bad path based on our own Annadhi Kaala Vipareetha Vaasanaas. If we we don’t have Jeeva Swathantriyam, then there is no neccessity of “KaarayAtritvam”. Since, we have Jeeva Swathantriyam, BhagavAN had to madatory do the “KaarayAtritvam”.

Now, one may have question that, if BhagavAn made “1st Karthritvam that ONLY all good things to happen, then where did the bad things come from?. As far as Karmas/Vaasanaas (Bad or Good) are considered, it is Anaadhi and with us (JeevAthmas) and not due to BhagavAn. Since BhagavAn says so through Alwars/Acharyas, then we have to believe it (MahaVishwasam).

If our Anaadhi Kaala Karmas/Vaasanas trigger bad things, then the owners is on us.

If our Karmas/Vaasanas trigger good things, then it is due to BhagavAn’s “Karthritvam” that Every Good things are due to MY SANKALPAM.

3) Anumanthritvam

After BhagavAn makes the above two wish, 1st wish Karthritvam (only HIS wish) and the 2nd wish (KaarayAtritvam) through our own Karmas, then BhagavAn waits for our “Aadhya Pravirthi”, means our first action.

If one does good things (Punyas) due to ones own Jeeva Swanthantriyam based on Shastras, then BhagavAN allows it (Anumadhipadhu) from inside as Antharyami, but BhagavAN doesn’t involve in our actions, instead HE let ourselves relinquish the Punya karmas.

4) UdhaseenathvAm,

If one does bad things (Paapas) due to ones own Jeeva Swanthantriyam (Vipareetha vaasanaas/karmas) against Shastras/Alwars/Acharyas Upadesams, then BhagavAn keeps SILENT (Udhaseenan) from inside as Antharyami, since HE dod not want to be part of our bad actions. SO, every bad actions we are responsible, since it is due to our own Vipareetha vaasanaas/karmas,

5) SakakaarithvAm,

The above 3) is just our good action and BhagavAn only allows it and BhagavAN HIMSELF doesn’t do any action. But in this 5), when we do a good action, BhagavAn as Antaryami also enhances and supports (Sakakaari) and makes us do more good. Here it is BhagavAN’s Seyal as well.

6) PhalaprAdhatvAm

This is the time to for BhagaVAn to give the Phalam to us based on our actions.

* If we do Paapa Karmas, then the Phalam that BhagavAN gives is “Punishment” either in Bhooloka in same birth or in Naragam or relinguish in some other birth.

* If we do Punya Karmas and did not surrender to HIS lotus feet, then the Phalam that BhagavAN gives is “HE lets us enjoy the Punya Karmas and birth-death-rebirth cycle follows and NO Moksham”,

* If we do Punya Karmas and surrender the results to HIS lotus feet, then Phalam that BhagavAN gives is “Moksham”.


Adiyaargal Vaazha ArangaNagar Vaazha, Kadal Soozhndha Mannu Ulagham Vaazha, Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamiye Innum Pala Kodi Oru Nootraandu Irumm.


Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan,

Sarvam KKC Sholinghur DhoddayAcharyar-VedanthAcharyAr-KuramaSingarcharyar-Velukkudi Swamigal Thiruvadigalil Samarpanam.

Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,

Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu.

on September 23, 2022

Adiyen Dhasan,
Again..and as usual .excellent detailed reply from. Kongil piraatty (a) Elayalzvar swamy.

Adiyen Ramanuja Dhasan.

on September 24, 2022

That sounds right Komal Srinivasan Swami 🙏

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