Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
AchAryan called two vedic pandits who came and recited sAma gAna with “Aaa Ooo” sitting in front of my AchAryan . Adiyen was wondering why achArya was listening to something that will be heard in Srivaikuntam?
Adiyen told my mom that am afraid something about to happen due to that chanting. Looks like AchAryan has made some Sankalpam. My mom told nothing will happen.
That was the last time adiyen saw AchAryan. That was the last time my AchAryan gave KatAksham to adiyen after returning from hospital still in my eyes.
Also we were not allowed to be there for long. Few days passed. My mother was telling “We will have dharshan of AchArya in newly constructing Ashramam in thiruvidavendhai , there AchArya will give us ekAntha sEvai for longer duration”
Immediately came the final phone call “___________________________________________”
DarisanA dEva sAdhava:
Srivaikunta virakthAya swami pushkarini thate
SriVaikunta Gadhyam
VaikuntEthu parE loKE
Nithya Anandam
AnandO brahmE Divya jAnAth
The unadulterated peace the eternal existence
Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Please forgive any mistakes