Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,
Namskaram enpanifan (Anand) Swami,
With Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Velukkudi Swami’s Aasirvadham, adiyen will share by compiling from Swami’s different upanyasams regarding devareer’s query.
We understand the Three Tatvams from Swami’s Upanishads that:
1) Achit (Insentient, Jada Porul, ZERO Gyanam) is countless,
2) Chit (Sentient, JeevAthma made of ONLY Gyanam) is countless &
3) ParamaAthma (Only ONE in this category, Our crazy Perumal) who is Sarva Vyapagan (Present Everywhere), like HE is pervasive Inside Chit & Achit as Vishnur, as well as pervasive outside Chit & Achit as Vipu.
Another sub-factor needs to be understood as well for Chit.
Each Chit (Sentient JeevAthma) has Two Gyanam’s (Knowledge),
a) Dharmik Gyanam,
b) Dharma Bhootha Gyanam
Dharmik Gyanam alway says “I” only, as Naan…Naan…. Naan….(நான் ….நான் ….நான் ….). This is common for each JeevAthma. This “I” is never changing and it is not Ahankaram. It points to itself by default.
Dharma Bhootha Gyanam is the knowledge it accumulated due to its activities which varies from JeevAthma to JeevAthma due to vaasanas, karmas etc….
Any Body of human or bird or animal or plant/tree is Achit (Insentient).
Now, when a Chit (JeevAthma) in Samsaram called as BhaddAthma, gets a body like human or animal or bird to relinguish its Karmas, then that PRIMARY Athma will be located in one place in the heart of that particular body, but its Dharma Bhootha Gyanam will be spread out through out the body on to each parts, due to which, when the body does actions based on its Vaasanas/Karmas, that Primary Athma in that body accumulates the Paapa/Punya karmas due to the Athma’s Dharma Bhootha Gyanam spread on to the body. However there are other millions of Athma in the same body, which comes in through food or during inhale air and exits through exhale or through excretions, sweat etc… but those Athma’s doesn’t relinquish any karmas, since it is not the primary Athma of that body.
Now the chain reaction question that will pop up is, how the Athma feels the pain due to its Dharma Bhootha Gyanam spread out in the body. Here comes the 5 Pranaa Vayu’s (Prana, Apana, Udana, Vyana, Samana) which is the Adhesive between Athma’s Dharma Gyanam and its body
Prana Vayu is the air that we or animals or birds or trees inhale, Apana vayu is the air that exits etc…
The Vyana vayu is the one responsible for the PAIN FACTOR,
In Human or animal or bird bodies the Vyana vayu is 100% ACTIVE, so if the body gets hurt then we feelpain,
In Plant/Tree body, the Vyana Vayu is less than 1%, thats why we don’t see plants feeling pain.
Example, when a Goat is eating grass happily, if one starts cutting its leg on other side, will it continue eating while someone its cutting its leg. No, correct. It screams and runs away with pain because of Vyana vayu being 100% ACTIVE.
But in Plant/Tree, when it is blossoming, if one cuts a small trunk or branch of it, we don’t see the pain of the tree. Does it jerk or shake, it doesn’t correct. But It still feels some amount of pain which is not visible to us, since Vyana vayu is less than 1% and not zero/ or dormant in plants/trees.
That’s why Shastras says Praani Himsai to be avoided since it feels pain due to the VYana vaayu 100% active. and Trees/Plants doesn’t feel the pain as the Vyana vaayu is less than 1% active. That’s why Humans are suppose to be Vegetarians ONLY. Now we can answer anyone who intentionally ask why Meat eating is not allowed, Plants also has life, how can you eat it. Then, the above is the Answer.
So if a body part is hurt or cut in human or animal or bird, the millions of the Athma’s in that body part leaves, but the Primary Athma which relinquishes the karma is still in the man body heart feeling the pain.
Coming back to the Human body, it also has nails & hairs,
Th Vyana vayu is 100% active in all parts of body except being DORMANT on Nails & Hairs. That’s why, when we cut nails or hairs, there is NO Pain. IN each portion of the nail that is cut there are millions of Athmas sticking to it also that leaves with that portion of the nail/hair that was cut.
The next question that may pop-up is, How does Nail/Hair grow when it is Achit. The answer is because of the Athma’s Dharma BHootha GYanam spread on the body and it is spread on the nails/hair as well. So Body grows or changes with age or environments due to the Athma’s Dharma Bhootha Gyanam, so as the Nails/Hairs do.
Next is the Achit’s like Stone etc……Here the stone doesn’t have a PRIMARY Athma occupying the stone, hence there is NO DHarma BHootha GYnam of an AThma occupying the Stone. Hence Swami says the AThma’s GYanam is Zero in Stone. Hence no VYana Vayu adhesive to join an AThmas DHarma BHootha Gyanam to the Stone body. Hence NO Pain for stone when split into pieces. So when a stone is cut into pieces, all the millions of AThmas in that portion of the stone sticking to it, leaves along with it like the millions of Athma’s in Nail/Hair cut portion.
All Credits due to Velukkudi Swami’s Aasrivadham and Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam,
Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (Dhoddayacharyar) Dasan.
Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu