Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,
The current mathematics are basically reinventing the wheel from Vedic Mathematics. So, the ideal way to think is “Its quite impressive” to see that the present scientists are able to derive or invent things that are close to the Original Vedics Mathematics or Physics etc…. The reason why we are not able to fully perceive the BASE Vedic science is because, either it is all written in Sanskrit and not taught to us or material is lost.
Basically, Vaasthu Shastras is the Original Civil Engineering for construction purposes. Now a days only 1% of the Vaasthu shastraas are being used, like its minute portion of which side Kitchen to be kept or front entrance to be facing or something, but the major portion of Vaasthu Shastraas includes what type of Engineering materials to be used, type of structure to be used, etc…. for construction depending up on the area, slope, weather etc….
Like Vishwakarma used Vaasthu shastras to build Dwaraka for SriKrishna in Sea.
Many Kings used Vaasthu Shastras for building Temples, their city, castle etc….
Example is, if the “Length” and “Height” is known, then they calculate the “Slope” which is needed for the laborers to carry material to the top side either by walking or by carts.
This rings a bell about the latest reinventing the wheel using Pythagoras theorem. So, it’s already ancient method to find slope.
Moreover, one of the Tamil Poet “Kannayannar” has mentioned “how to calculate the slope” 1000 years prior to Pythagoras which was acknowledged by western researcher named Apolalius.
It’s a different formula of finding slope by the Poet.
“ஓடிய நீலந்தண்ணை ஒரெட்டில் கூறாக்கி
கூறில் ஒன்றைத் தள்ளி
குன்றத்தில் பாதி சேர்த்தால்
நீடிய கர்ணந்தானே!”
Let’s Evaluate,
Consider, Height, A = 3, Length, B = 4 Slope, C =?
· ஓடிய நீளந்தண்ணை ஒரெட்டில் கூறாக்கி, means divide the length into 8 parts
4/8 = 0.5
· கூறதில் ஒன்றைத் தள்ளி, means length minus 1/8 portion (from first line of the poem)
4-0.5= 3.5
· குன்றத்தில் பாதி சேர்த்தால் means ½th of Height,
3 X ½ = 1.5
· நீடிய கர்ணர்தானே, means equals to slope
3.5 + 1.5 = 5
So, the Formula for Slope C = B-(B/8) + A*(1/2).
Now calculate the same C using Pythagoras theorem using the square root,
The rule stated in the Baudhāyana Sulba Sūtra mentions how to calculate the Slope from Length & Height:
दीर्घचतुरश्रस्याक्ष्णया रज्जु: पार्श्र्वमानी तिर्यग् मानी च यत् पृथग् भूते कुरूतस्तदुभयं करोति ॥
dīrghachatursrasyākṣaṇayā rajjuḥ pārśvamānī, tiryagmānī,
cha yatpṛthagbhūte kurutastadubhayāṅ karoti.
What the sloka means is, “A rope stretched along the length of the diagonal produces an area which the vertical and horizontal sides make together.”
Pythagoras theorem has been close enough to the Original Baudhāyana and Āpastamba in their Sulba Sutras.
Hence, we should be Jubilant that the recent reinventing the wheel is matching the Original Vedic Science. If not matching, then they will improve to match to the Original Vedic state, and we cannot think the reverse way that Vedic Science is matching recent Science.
Adiyen believe Swami has touch based the topic in Enpani #2660.
Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhaoddayacharyAr) Dasan.