Namaskaram enpanifan Swamy
Swamy Divyaprabandam and Alwars , Poorvacharyas and the way they lived is beyond the boundaries of Logic or Rationalism
Logic or Rationalism is the foundation upon which ego or angankaram stands strongly
And ego or angankaram is the only impurity obscuring Reality
Alwars and Poorvacharyas had something common in them through which they went beyond logic and experienced the Illogic
Today western culture which is completely dependent upon logic and rationalism is suffering because it is not possible to reach peace by rationalism
When the westerners come across Illogical way of living like Krishna Bhakti and Krishna Consciousness by ISKCON etc etc they experience the peace and the community is growing
Similarly the Indian community because of severe western influence started to live logically or rationally and at the same time there is a risk of expecting logic or rationality in the ancient Scriptures like Divya prabandam , Sri Bharatam, Sri Ramayanam as well as the way Alwars and Poorvacharyas lived
If one expects logic or rationality in the above two scenarios there is a risk of loosing true and natural Bhakti and so Bhakti should be forced into them mechanically because one cannot expect logic or rationality in Divya prabandam or Sri Bharatam or the way Alwars and Poorvacharyas lived
That is not real Bhakti it is mechanical
By saying that The Alwars and Poorvacharyas lived Illogical adiyen is not trying to tell that they don’t know logic or rationality
Nobody knows logic better than Udayavar
Nobody can stand before Swami when it comes for debate of logic
Nobody can explain Brahman logically better than Swami
But Swami is also aware that logic is not going to work
Surrendering to Illogic is the only option
Same is the scenario with Alwars
Same is the scenario with Sri Alavandar and so on
How blissful is to experience the illogical way of explaining the Illogic through poetry
That is Divya prabandam
There is no match to Divya prabandam not even Vedas
Divya prabandam melts the logic upon which ego rests
The most blessed soul will be around Divya prabandam
Epitome of Illogic BHAGWAN SRI KRISHNA can be experienced in Divya prabandam
Once one experiences the Illogic no more questions will arise – only bliss and Non action will be there
Alwars are complete incarnation of Peruman
And Divya prabandam is Peruman
Divya prabandam is illogical it is beyond the realm of logic and mind
To give that experience to all Jeevas
Swami and all Poorvacharyas have done a lot for which adiyen believe nothing can be done in return except being as they wished