BaddhAthma karmA anAdi what about NithyAthmA?

Updated on October 30, 2016 in Karma
6 on October 28, 2016

‘Naan Yaar’? If karmA with Athma is anAdi and Athma chooses initial karmA with some little swathanthram while Perumal is udaaseenan then why NithyAthmA is seperate categorization that is without karma bandham?

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2 on October 28, 2016

Srimathey Ramanujaya Namaha,

Adiyen thinks this is a difficult question to answer. This is as good as asking why Karma does not affect Bhagavan. Similar to how we believe that Bhagavan is unaffected by any Karma, we need to accept the same for Nithyatmas as well.

The name Nithyatma itself indicates that they are eternally unaffected by any Karma and that is by will of God. If we are able to find the reason on why nityatmas are unaffected by karma, then that would itself defeat the meaning of Nityatmas, isn’t it ? 

Please ignore if what is mentioned above does not make sense.

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan

on October 29, 2016

Makes sense Swami. The point is all athmas are eternal. anAdi. antham only for karmA & not Athma.
Why are they
sadhA pashyanthi sooraya:
While we are not?

What made them greater than us? Did they neglect initial karmA and avoided from karma bandham?

Or Perumal’s swaathanthriyam and we should not question?

on October 29, 2016

Happy Deepavali

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0 on October 29, 2016

Perumal’s swaathanthriyam.

Assume we were able to find out that initial karma. so what were the Atmas doing before that initial Karma. The moment one has karma be it even for 1 birth ( very first one ), one then surrenders to God and gets liberated. Then that atma can only be called mukthatma and not nityathma. 

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan

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1 on October 29, 2016

And a small request. Please do not call this adiyavan as swamy. Adiyen is not fit for that. Adiyen is ignorant, immature and incapable of being referred as swamy. 

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy thiruvadigaley Sharanam

on October 30, 2016

Dhanyosmi adiyen
Adhu devareer perundhanmai
A BhAgavathaa is always great
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

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