Sri Ramanujaya Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruve Namaha,
Dear Krishna Dasa Bhagavata,
By this time adiyen believe, Bhagavata would have already come across answer from Swami’s upanyasams. At the same time, adiyen would like to fill up this thread with answer referring to Swami’s upanyasams for other Bhagavatas benefit.
There is only one View point like Shastric view point and there is no other view point about the Brahmam or ParamAthma or BhagavAn.
Brahmam or ParamAtham or BhagavAn are NOT three different forms. All names represents ONLY ONE “Sriman NarayanAn”. Like Bhagavta’s actual name is different but called as “Adiyen – Krishna Dasan”, both represents only one JeevAthama which is Bhagavata’s true nature. Likewise different countless Jeevathmas called with different names, but NOT different forms. Forms of BhagavAn are Para, Vyuha and Vibhava forms as in this thread link.
Swami’s Enpani #56 “Brahmam-meaning”.
Bruhatvatu Brahmanathvatcha Brahmamith Abhideeyathe
Two Primary Nature of BhagavAn (Bruhatvatu & Brahmanathvat) together is named as Brahmam.
Thaan miga periyavaraaga iruppadhaalum (தான் மிக பெரியவராக இருப்பதாலும்). By Quantity (Viswvam), HE is BIG and cannot be measured and by Quality (Kalayana Gunas), HIS Gunas are Countless
Thannai Adaindhavargalai Thanakku Samamaaga Periyavargalaaga aakkugirapadiyaalum (தன்னை அடைந்தவர்களை தனக்கு சமமாக பெரியவர்களாக ஆக்குகிறபடியாலும்). One who worskships HIM with Pure devotion, HE makes them Saamyapathi (Equal to HIS Gunas) asn Samyapathi Moksham for Nithya Kainkaryam and Nithya Anubhavam.
Brahmam yendru Koorugiroam (ப்ரஹ்மம் என்று கூறுகிறோம்). Such combination of these two Primary things are together called as “BRAHMAM”.
Swami in Alwargal Vaibhavam Upanyasam starting munnurai talks about the ParamAthma meaning.
Breaking down the ‘ParamAThma’ பரமாத்மா word.
பரமாத்மா = பரமன் + ஆத்மா.
a) ‘பரமன்’ means ‘ப்ரோமா அஸ்மாதிதி பரமஹ’
‘Paraman’ means ‘Paroma Asmaathithi Paramaha’
[‘Paraman’ means, “Ivanai Kaattilum Mein Pattavan Yaarum Kidayadhu, Samamm Aanavanum Yaarum Kidayadhu’, NO one Higher or Equal to HIM, ALL are Below HIM only”].
b) Breaking down ‘Paraman’ ‘பரமன்’ again as ‘ப + ரம’ (Pa + Rama), not pronounce as Raama ‘ராமா ‘, just Rama ‘ரம’.
ரம’ ‘Rama’ means Sri Maha Lakshmi Thayar as per Shastras.
பர ‘Para’ means Sriman NarayanAn as above ‘Paraman’ meaning, when added to ரம ‘Rama’ (Sri lakshmi), it means, ‘ ‘பரமன்’ means Sri Lakshmi Sambhamdham UdayavAn.
c) ஆத்மா ‘Athma’ means Sentient, Uyir Ulladhu in general.
So, பரமன் (‘பர’ Perumal + ‘ரம’ ‘SriLakshmi) + ஆத்மா = பரமாத்மா = Divya Athma = Divya Dambhathi. So Unqiue & only ONE compared to the countless Athma (Chit), and NOT applicable to any other Jeevathamas whether in Human body or Deva bodies (Brahma , Shiva etc…) or any bodies.
Another way to say ParamAthma is,
PARAMATHMA “பரமாத்மா” word is divided as “PARA + MA + ATHMA.
* PARA means Param Porul NarayanAn.
* MA means “Jagadh’MA’tha. Yella JeevAthamaakka’lukkum THAYAga Iruppaval.
* ATHMA is Chit ‘Sentient’ CHaithanyam Udayadhu.
So, ParaMAthma word is NARAYANAN and THAYAR Inclusive is one meaning.
Hence we call as “SRIMAN NARAYANAN”, and we don’t seperate Thayar from Perumal as Thayar Resides in Perumal’s Vaksha Sthalam (Thiru MAarbhu all the time).
Reference from Swami’s Vishnu Shasranama Upanyasam, Adiyen couldn’t recollect the exact audio potion.
Definition of “BhaGaVan (பகவான்)”.
Bha (ப): means two Kalya gunas“Gyana (Ultimate Knowledge), Bhala (Ultimate Strength)”
Ga (க): means two Kalya gunas “Veera (Ultimate Valour), Aishwarya (Ultimate Opulence)”,
Va (வா): means two Kalya gunas“Shakthi (Ultimate Energy), Thejas (Ultimate Luster)”
N (ன்): pronounced as “annu”, means one who don’t have any Theeya gunas (no bad qualities)
So BhaGaVaN means One who doesn’t have and any bad qualities and possesses all the 6 above Ultimate Qualities (Kalyana Gunas). This applies to ONLY Sriman NarayanAn and no one else has these 6 gunas, since all demi-gods has rajas-tamas-satvik gunas mixed together which makes them do bad activities at times as seen in Srimadh Bhagavatam. Only Sriman NarayanAn has Suddha Satva Gunam with No Rajas and No Tamas gunas.
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami says a slokam,
Samsara Visha VrikshasyA,
Dvo Phalegi Amrithopame
Kathachitu Keseva Bhakthihi
Tath Bhaktairva Samagaha
Line1: Samsaram is Visha Maram (Poison Tree)
Line2: Only two Amritha/Sweet Fruits reap out of that Poison Tree, remaining countless fruits are Visham to be avoided.
Line3: One Amritha Fruit is Kesava Bhakthi
Line4: Second Amritha Fruit is Avan (Kesavan) Adiyargaludan ‘Seardndhu’ Iruthhal (Acharyas/BhagavAtas Sathvika Satsangam)
So line4 “Bhaktairva” PRIMARILY means Kesavan adiyaargal, but this word Bhakta is applied differently in practical world for followers of demi-gods, which is NOT JeevAthma Swaroopam. What can we do about it.
Overall, Brahmam or ParamAthma or BhagavAn represents ONLY ONE GOD “SRIMAN NARAYANAN” AS PER Paanini Maharishi Soothram, and we devotees are not supposed to even spell Demi-gods using any of these three names, and they are to be called a devatas only like Brahma devata, Shiva devata as they are also BhaddhAthmas like us with karmas but trapped in Deva bodies like how we are trapped in ordinary human bodies…
Anyway, That Sriman Narayanan (Devathi Devan) is nothing but our SUPREME SriKrishna Who is a Husband of Sridevi, Bhooma Devi, Neela Devi as per Purusha Sooktam and Sri Sooktham and “KRISHNA THE REAL BOSS”.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam Sri Krishnarpanam Asthu.