Bruhahadaranyaka upanishad 237-238 clarification

Updated on June 5, 2020 in Karma
13 on April 17, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha,

Namaskaaram, Swami.

In 237th audio ,Bruhahadaranyaka upanishad , process of transmigration of soul is described. in which it is stated all the sense organs stay in the body for a certain period of time after prana vaayu leaves. During this time only organ transplant is feasible as after wards the gross sense will be there but the actual subtle sense would have left to the corresponding devata (mentioned in 238th audio) to rejoin the actual aatma in the next birth.

In that case those who donate their sense organs what will happen to them in the next birth (how will the subtle sense organ reach them back as they have donated already) if they do not attain mukthi?



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0 on April 18, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Perumal Swami’s answer is perfectly correct. Here is the Pramaanam about Shastras prohibit Organ Donation for sharanagathas, since the Athma and Body is BhagavAn SriKrishna’s property, but for  others they haven’t surrendered their Athma and Body to BhagavAn though it is BhagavAns property, so there is danger of anyone claiming it, as graced by Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami in enpani #279.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasan

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1 on May 4, 2020

What happens if the organs malfunctions?

on May 5, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Namaskaram ghanesanr bhakta,

Regarding your query about……”What happens if the organs malfunctions?.…….., the question should be asked in a reverse way as “What did I do to make the BhagavAn created Body Organs to Malfunction?“……. Once we understand that this body and it’s sub parts are created by BhagavAn for us to “Think and Utilize” to Serve BhagavAn and reach Moksha with Acharya Krupai, then probably the malfunction doesn’t happen, since the Manufacturer Service Manual (BhagavAn’s Shastras) is being followed.


This Body is like a Car. You have to follow Car manufactures service manual for the regular maintenance periods, then the car will survive till its designed durability period. If not, Car will Makkar (மக்கர் பண்ணாதே, சொன்னபடி கெளு)


However, even if we do Regular car maintanence, there can be unexpected issues (Aadhiboudhika, Aadhideivika, Aadhyaathmika) like car tire puncture or tree fell on the bumper, or we smash the car, so you have to First fix it, Or if major issue then replace those parts, or no chance to fix it, then scrap the car and buy new car (new body birth). Does these really help us. No, since the purpose/goal of replacing parts (organs) is not yet understood.


Hence, this cycle continues till we surrender on Sriman NarayanAn Lotus Feet by saying ‘Im ONLY your Property and No One Else Property“. This is the final help that we (Athma) can do to ourselves by thinking  are that we are “not this Body“.

So we have to get a new car (new body) which doesn’t require any maintenance at all. Is it really available?. YES, it is available in Moksha SriVaikuntam. That’s the “Aprakrutha Shareeram (Non deteriorating Body / No maintanence car).

Till that time, let’s focus on how to utilize the existing car with ones own ability by doing the neccessary maintanence as much as possible in what ever state it is (present deteriorating Body) which is common scenario for anyone of us either yourself or myself or anyone in this world, and START REVISING OUR MINDSET TO MEET OUR ACTUAL GOAL of how to utilize this car (present body) on BhagavAn Sriman NarayanA’s service, so that we can get a ‘No maintanence car’ (Aprakrutha Shareeram/Non deteriorating Body) in SriVaikuntam with HIS grace and no more worries of malfunctioning. That’s everyone’s goal.


Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayAcharyar) Dasa

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0 on May 5, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,


In General to All Devotess, additional to the above post Tatva Artham “Body as Car” comparison,

Ahara Niyamam states “WHAT” to eat, but some tip of “WHEN” to eat to avoid Body Organ Malfunction:

Just following WHAT to eat helps partially, but combined with WHEN to eat helps successfully, till the designed period of this Body limit.



Kural 942:

மருந்தென வேண்டாவாம் யாக்கைக்கு அருந்தியது

அற்றது போற்றி உணின்


No medicine is necessary for him who eats after assuring (himself) that what he has (already) eaten has been digested /

(முன் உண்ட உணவு செரித்த தன்மை ஆராய்ந்து போற்றியப் பிறகு தக்க அளவு உண்டால், உடம்பிற்கு மருந்து என ஒன்று வேண்டியதில்லை.)


Kural 943:

அற்றால் அறவறிந்து உண்க அஃதுடம்பு

பெற்றான் நெடிதுய்க்கும் ஆறு.


If (one’s food has been) digested let one eat with moderation; (for) that is the way to prolong the life of an embodied soul /

முன் உண்ட உணவு செரித்துவிட்டால், பின் வேண்டிய அளவு அறிந்து உண்ணவேண்டும், அதுவே உடம்பு பெற்றவன் அதை நெடுங்காலம் செலுத்தும் வழியாகும்.


Kural 944:

அற்றது அறிந்து கடைப்பிடித்து மாறல்ல

துய்க்க துவரப் பசித்து.


(First) assure yourself that your food has been digested and never fail to eat, when very hungry, whatever is not disagreeable (to you). /

முன் உண்ட உணவு செரித்த தன்மையை அறிந்து மாறுபாடில்லாத உணவுகளைக் கடைபிடித்து அவற்றையும் பசித்த பிறகு உண்ண வேண்டும்


Kural 945:

மாறுபாடு இல்லாத உண்டி மறுத்துண்ணின்

ஊறுபாடு இல்லை உயிர்க்கு.


With self-denial take the well-selected meal; So shall thy frame no sudden sickness feel.

(There will be no disaster to one’s life if one eats with moderation, food that is not disagreeable.)

மாறுபாடில்லாதா உணவை அளவு மீறாமல் மறுத்து அளவோடு உண்டால், உயிர் உடம்பில் வாழ்வதற்கு இடையூறான நோய் இல்லை.


So Ahara Niyamam states “WHAT” to eat, but above Kural provides some tip of “WHEN” to eat to avoid Body Organ Malfunction or diseases.

Just following “WHAT” to eat helps partially, but combined with “WHEN” to eat helps successfully till the designed period of this Body limit.

That’s why many Vaidehaas even after following Ahara Niyamam get diseases or some organ malfunction, since they don’t follow WHEN to eat, so they put that burden (cause) on karmas, since they don’t know their own mistake or very shy to express their mistake. But it is true as Karmas because KARMA word meaning not only means relinquishing past actions (Prarabtha karma), but also Karmas word means further actions (Aagami karma). So when one doesn’t do the further action of WHEN to eat based on above said Thiruvalluvar’s Kural, then organ malfunction and getting diseases are unavoidable.


So let’s be aware and start acting accordingly from now on, so that this Body (Tool) can be utilized effectively for BhagavAn Sriman Narayanan’s service either at our Home or at Temple or outside places.


Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) Dasan.

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Is it possible for you to post audios from 232 till the end of that day’s upanayasam.

It would be of great help.

on June 1, 2020

Srimate Ramnujaye Namaha,

Namskaaram. Dhanyosmi Elayalwar Swami for the collection on Thirukurals on when to eat.

One additional practical point is to have very early and light dinner preferably ebfore sunset and atleast 2-3 hours before sleep. ( milk before sleep is allowed).

Current day working hours and travel has put many into a situation to eat dinner at 8/9 o’ clock , which is quite harmful to the body.




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Namaskaram Swami

We Might have come across situations wherein the outcome of a particular event we can think of( By Intuition), and to our surprise when the same result comes out of it, we get happy at once or twice at the initial stages however,when the same intuition thinking progresses, the same charmness and elatedness gets lost or reduces but as far as Bhagwan is concerned since he is Sarwagyan ( Omniscient), “no chance to say Intuition”,  As the particular event is bound to happen, So , now the question is how come even after knowing the event from the start to the end along side with the result makes him elated all the time, As for him all is Pre – Known ??????

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan

on June 4, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha!

Namaskaaram, swami.

please see if this thread helps you to post new threads.

Regarding your question, The reason why we become happy when our intuition works can be because of the following reasons..(one is not apt one is apt)

  1. we feel a sense of control or having a mystic power ( but this is not an right feeling to have)
  2. Or we may feel happy because, though we are an insignificant sinful soul, the great Lord is “reciprocating” with us lovingly and fulfilling our desires or thoughts to help improve our faith and progress spiritually.( this is  the right feeling to have).

For the lord He is already the controller and He knows he cannot derive pleasure from predicting events.. but he feels happy from the “reciprocation” of his devotees.. when they sing, discuss and glorify about Him and serve each other towards Serving the Lord.

For example a mother knows exactly and can predict what a baby will do, when he will sleep, what he will eat etc.. but from the loving gestures and sounds that the baby makes the mother gets happiness..

This is one perspective, other Bhaktas in the forum may share more insights lets wait and hear from them.





on June 4, 2020

To add on if we have the second reason as stated above as the reason for feeling happy then our happiness will not fade when the same/similar events happen.


Namaskaram swamy
Sri velukkudi krishnan gave us the exact clarification swamy
Do listen to his en pani 1763 audio.

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0 on June 5, 2020

Srimate Ramnujaye Namaha,

Namaskaram swami. 

Yes I heard today’s enpani audio where Swami has mercifully answered your question. We should be grateful to Swami for the same.

Summary of Swami’s answer: Our material happiness is different from actual “aanandam” and Aandam is an integral part and feature of each Soul and Bhagawan as well. Once our karma covering is removed we experience the “aandam” as part of our “Swarupa lakshnamam”. Since Bhagawan has no karmic covering He is always eternally blissful.

The swarupa Lakshanam of a soul is to do service and swarupa lakshnam of Bhagawan is to receive our service be it prayers, physical service, glorifying Lord etc.. So when both of us are doing this Both can be in state of “Aanandam” My earlier answer above in this thread was relating to this aspect.

Also by sheer coincidence ( actually Velukkudi swami’s well wishing and Perumaal’s anugraham) just this morning I saw the below video again, where Swami actually answered the same question “How does Bhagawan get aanandam”  at time line 9.40 to 10.00.

Swami says Bhagawan experiences aanandam at two instances a) when we behave ignorantly b) when we are very much devoted to Him and render Him service. 

So it is double bonanza Ramanuja swami for your question, you have an answer in both audio and video.


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