Can chethanam come from achethanam?

Updated on August 22, 2024 in Avatars
8 on August 13, 2024

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam


A periyavar (Dushyanth Sridhar) while discribing about Narasimha avatAram in youtube shorts said

“From Pillar Achethanam -> Narasimhar Chetanam came. From Chethanam Narasimhan -> Nakham (Nails) Achethanam came”.

Based on the above explanation, does it mean creation happened from Achethanam to confirm theories like Big Bang as true?

According to Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy, creation does not happen by itself and as it cannot think on its own for the world to be in a particular order.


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2 on August 15, 2024

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

I think Sri Dushyant Sridhar Swami is only talking about the short event sequence of Narasimha Avataram and not the full sequence of creation theory. Like, from pillar (achetanam), Supreme BhagavAn Sriman Narayana (Chetanam) came out and in turn the nail (Achetanam) came out to kill hiranyakshan.

You are right from Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swami’s upanyasam, as BhagavAn is the Moola Kartha for all, since BhagavAn is “Shareere” and all chetanams (a.k.a Chit, Sentient jeevathmas) and achetanams (a.k.a Achit, In-Sentient material things) both are “Shareeram” for BhagavAn as said in the Upanishads:

“Yasya Athma Shareeram, yam athmanaveda,
Yasya pritvi shareeram, yam pritvinaveda”.
Like, how all Athma’s (chit) is my body, all Privti (Achit) is also my body.

BhagavAn is VIPU as said in Vishu shasranamam, which means HE is pervasive everywhere, both inside and outside of all Chit and Achit. So the pillar is BhagavAn’s Shareeram and HE is also inside the pillar. Only HE can do because HE is the ONLY PARAMATHMA.

When Sri Krishna showed Vishwaroopam to Arjuna, he was shocked and almost fainted to see the entire war field and its members both outside and inside BhagavAn, since BhagavAn is persavise.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) Dasan.

on August 15, 2024

Typo error. It’s “pervasive” a.k.a “omnipresent”.

on August 15, 2024

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Adiyen like to point out one thing Swamy.

Here Athma the chethanan refers to Sentient being. The one with nyAnam. The one which can comprehend.

Not just a living being. Our Vedam is very clear.

“Yasya Athma Shareeram, yam athmanaveda,
Yasya pritvi shareeram, yam pritvinaveda”.
Like, how all Athma’s (chit) is my body, all Privti (Achit) is also my body.

Here in above verse it is further inferred:

“Sky doesn’t know existence of Earth and Earth doesn’t know the existence of Sky while You the Athman know both exists so you are bigger than both”

So it’s just not living being vs non living being but actual comparison should be Sentient vs Non Sentient.

Just to compare nails which has life and non life to put Narasimha himself as life and pillar as non life and denoting a life coming out of non life is technically an inaccuracy.

A nail is achethanam. In above explanation of that periyavar both living and non living part of nail both are achethanam. Irrespective of life. A nail doesn’t know by itself howvto grow. It follows a pattern based on vAsanA alone. (Evolution).

As Swamy Nammazhwar pAsuram goes
“Seththadhin Vayitril Siriyadhu PirandhAl”?

What comes out of achethanam is still an achethanam. A pranan alone does not determine sentience is my opinion Swamy.

One cannot say there can be life out of nothing or something which doesn’t have the source of life.

For a source of life, there has to be sentience to create meaning out of it.

A broken glass breaking into further pieces does not have a meaning.

So saying from pillar came Narasimhan is wrong.

Narasimhan decided to come out of pillar.

The difference is Chethanan is the root of all creation and not the other way round.

If error please forgive.


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0 on August 15, 2024

Padaippirkku appArpattavanai padaipirkkul kondu varuvadhu thavaru

The one who creates is not in the cycle of creation himself

  • Liked by
2 on August 16, 2024

Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama4,

ParaVasudrvan decides to create the material world from HIS body (SudhaSatva Thirumeni) as Swami says in “Yatindra Mata Deepika”. So it is HIS decision (sankalpam) that is first. Then HE takes decision to come to the HIS own cycle of creation as “Avatar” to uplift the Bhaadhatmas like us who are bounded by karmas, ruchi, vasana etc…So HE coming out of pillar is very well understood as HIS decision, why because HE wanted to honor HIS bhakta Prahaladhas word that “Narayanan thoonilum iruppar thurumbilum iruppar”, which is the VIPU Tatvam “pervasive” anywhere.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) Dasan.

on August 16, 2024

Typo error…its “Namaha” not Nama4.

on August 22, 2024

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Where/how to download Yatindra Mata Deepika, Manamey Dhanam audios?

When I click whatsapp link I get booking closed


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0 on August 22, 2024

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Correct. That’s what Adiyen said
KAraNan should not subject (commodified) as Karyam.

Vishnu is all pervasive but Vishnu is superior from what Vishnu himself created though Vishnu himself is self manifested as creation.

This is what VishistAdvaitam is all about.

Simply said (Chith + Achit) combined not Equals Eeshwara:


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