Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam
Swamy has taught us:
Deva = The one who plays
Divu Kreeda ithi DhAthu
Kreedachala = The play mountain = Tirumala used in SriVaikuntam
Now why Shabdha like DEvaDevan?
In Tamil, Deivathirkku Deivam (gross similar sounding translation)
DEva DEvam Baje Divya Prabhavam song reference.
Why is there a need to call somebody as DEvAs & Perumal to be differentiated as DEvaDEvAn?
Also, why many Iyer keep name:
VishwanAthan (as Shiva)? When Vishwam itself is Vishnu?
If VishwanAthan = Shiva how LokanAthan = Vishnu?
What is the difference between Vishwam & LOkam?
Why Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru DevO MahEshwara ?
In above shlOkA, is it okay to consider Maheshwara: as ShivA? As I saw one shaivite quoting like that
Eeshwara:, MahA + Eeshwara , Parama + Eeshwara
Deva, DevaDeva, Deva + Aadideva = DevAdiDeva
Gana + Pathi = GanaPathi
Jaga + Pathi = Jagapathi
Sri + Pathi = Sri Pathi
Gana + Eesh = GanEsh
Then we have
MahA + GanEsh why?
These words MahA are superlative
Does it really make a difference between
Ganesh & MahA Ganesh?
Periya Perumal, Periya Periya Perumal
Is it Perum + Aal = Perumal?
Peru + Maal = Perumal?
Perum itself is Periya then why
Perum + Periya? Perum + Periya + Periya?
Why Sriman Narayana donated his Deva & Eeshwara ThirunAmam to others?
Is it to create confusion?