Difference between JatAyu, Hanuman and Sabari Kainkaryam?

Updated on June 23, 2018 in Good qualities for human
3 on June 22, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Swamy, what is the difference between JatAyu, Hanuman and Sabari Kainkaryam?

Adiyen feel:
1. JatAyu Swamy fought without any instruction
2. Hanuman waited for instructions both from thAyAr and PerumAL
3. Sabari did AchArya kainkaryam

Kainkaryam is volunteered or instructed? Which is the way to go?

Please explain


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Adiyen ji

Each situation is different seems .. lord rama was not there and jatayu ji hurries to help , no time to wait for rama and get his permission

Hanuman ji had lot of time also situation was clearly understandable .. patient and plan is the only way to achieve the goal

Sabrina matha also had lot of time.. sabari matha did her acharya order ..

But kainkariyam or volunteer that swami is the best to answer

on June 23, 2018

We have to wait with folded hands in front of our Acharya for kainkaryam. Sometimes we have to ask for kainkaryam. Adiyen having doubt in that.

Devar’s answer is best logically for time. Short & sweet. So time and proximity matters for kainkaryam.


on June 23, 2018


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