Does Bhagawan support breaching hierarchy

Updated on July 5, 2021 in General
12 on July 4, 2021


Namaskaram !

In our mundane life, say if we imagine a typical office atmosphere, the CEO of an organisation sets up so many line managers below him and further branching out in to various subordinates below them and so on.

Though all are equal in the eyes of the CEO and aiming eventually for an higher position (equivalent to that of CEO), the CEO does not like his bottom line team members to breach hierarchy and directly approach him for anything. In fact, it would be considered as an unacceptable outsmarting activity to just impress the CEO without respecting the hierarchy created by him.

This is because the CEO considers all his appointments having a certain purpose and values their work. It also provides motivation and empowerment to all his appointments to perform their duties efficiently.

Drawing parallel to our spiritual life, why bhagawan prefers and encourages people to directly approach him, rather than through various demi-gods ? Aren’t those demi-gods appointments of bhagawan made with a certain purpose and objective ? 

Can’t this be viewed as bhagawan doesn’t have respect for his own appointments himself, rather keeps them for namesake and dummy ?

Looking at it from a different perspective, what will happen if all those appointments (like Indra) are dissolved ? 

– Adiyen

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Srivats swamy, namasaram.

Heirarchy is quintessential in the spiritual world. That is why we approach Him only through our acharyan, up the line of heirarchy of poorvacharyas (asmad desikam asmadhiya paramacharyan aseshan gurun) ultimately through our Thayar. If we breach this hierarchy and try to approach Him directly, He first sees our sins and ignores us. But when we approach Him through this spiritual heirarchy, our sins are hidden from His vision and His compassion is made to fall on us.


On the otherhand, trying to approach Him through my CEO or the local MLA or Indra are all the same – material heirarchies! If I need any comforts in my material life, I can approach these material heirarchy members, satisfy them and get my needs met. But these material posts are not empowered to help us with our spiritual pursuits. For spiritual pursuits we must approach the spiritual heirarchy.

adiyen dasan

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lakshmI nAtha samArambhAm nAthayAmuna madhyamAm |
asmadAchArya paryantAm vandE guru paramparAm ||

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2 on July 4, 2021

Nandri, Kamban Swami !

Our sampradayam is very clear on the importance of acharyan and thaayaar. So there is very little room for confusion.

An extension of my query…

On the otherhand, trying to approach Him through my CEO or the local MLA or Indra are all the same – material heirarchies! If I need any comforts in my material life, I can approach these material heirarchy members, satisfy them and get my needs met. But these material posts are not empowered to help us with our spiritual pursuits.From கம்பன்தாசன்

However, we are advised to approach our bhagawan even for accomplishing material pursuits.

This is where I have my doubt. If everything can be handled by bhagawan himself, then what is the need for devas and demi-gods ?  

In that case, wouldn’t they become liability for the entire enterprise (leela vibhuti) ?

How do we reconcile with this fact ?

– Adiyen



If everything can be handled by bhagawan himself, then what is the need for devas and demi-gods ?  From srivats

True. He can do anything and everything just by His thought; He does not need us to take the positions of Indra to deliver rain or the MLA to deliver water in the tap. But we jivas need to engage in service. In case of ananya-bhakthas they are willing to do any service for the Lord, and thus they are engaged in Vaikuntha. Souls like us have certain preferences in the kind of services we want to do (as determined by our vasanas). So, someone who has desire to be Indira, if he has the qualifications then Lord appoints him as Indira and engages him in that service. 

See this answer in combination with waht Sri Udaiyavar swamy has shared above. The material world heirarchy gives an opportunity for souls with material desires to take a religious life, and gradually progress in that to get their material desires fulfilled. This leads them to aspire for a spiritual life, and with the guidance of a spiritual guru they take to spiritual path.

adiyen dasan

on July 5, 2021

Yes Brahma Mohana Leela By Sri Krishna
He can be everything. Including us.

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0 on July 5, 2021

Srimate Raamnujaye Namaha,

Swamy we water the root of the tree. But it does not make the branches and leaves unnecessary.

In fact large branches distribute the water and nourishment from the root to a bunch of leaves.

So what is said is to water root not the branches..but branches do play a role.


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0 on July 5, 2021

Mikka Nandri, Kamban Swami, Udayavar Swami and Enpanifan Swami.

This is a great forum for learning !

–  Adiyen

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0 on July 5, 2021

Sri. Velukkudi Krishnan swamy has answered in today’s enpani audio #2158.

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0 on July 5, 2021

Yes answered in EnPaNi 2158
Super question super answer by Sri Swamy

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0 on July 5, 2021

By the grace of acharyan, thaayaar and bhagawan !

It is a blessing ! Nandri, Swami !

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