Does SriBashyam say Karma as reason for Shokam?

Updated on July 23, 2023 in Acharyas
3 on July 19, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

A learned scholar said:
Karma is reason for Shokam according to SriBashyam

Adiyen argued:
Karma is Neutral term

As Mangala Shlokam of Sri Bashyam says:

Janma Sthema BangAdhi LEELEY

Karma = Basis for Leela

AlagilA vilayAttudayAn

That which gives happiness cannot be reason for Shokam

Also Krishna advising to do Karma in Gita

Then that Swamy replied:
Karma is different from Karma Yogan & asked me to learn from AchArya

Adiyen responded:
Karma is basis for Karma Yogam. The Phalan is Punya or PApA. That which is attributed to Sriman Narayana is Karma Yogam & not a rocket science

Karma Swasmai BhagawAn SwayamEva KArayathi /KArithavAn

To which that Swamy replied:
Sri Ramanuja directly referred PuNyA & PApA as Karma in Sri Bashyam

My question to the forum:
Why would Udayavar refer Punya & PAPA itself as Karma? It’s a prefix to term Karma right?

How can Karma Phalan be same as term Karma itself?

Also does it mean Karma is reason for Shokam and Leela brings Shokam to Perumal?

The KreedAchalam in Vaikuntam is Tirumala on LeelA Vibhuthi. That which removes sins of us & play mountain of Para VAsudEvan how can it bring Shokam / unhappiness which is against the whole context of Sri Ramanuna’s Mangala Shlokam of Sri Bashyam?

Is that Swamy resorting to:
If not convince, confuse?



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0 on July 19, 2023

Adiyen put another argument in this forum:
Brahmam is never touched by happiness or sadness as it is not bound to Karma

Then answer me:
Why LeelA?

Na Vaikuntam pona avarukkenna
Pogatti avarukku enna?

When JeevathmA enters Perumal is indeed happy

“appadi ippayAvadhu vandhiye”

Yes or no?


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0 on July 19, 2023

Is Karma and AgyAnam the same?

Then how.come GopikAs , Hanuman are happy with LeelA Vibhuthi AvathAram?


All has same powers and one and the same

Nothing’s is greater or lower

VishistAdvaitis can’t do the mistake that Shankarar did

Lower level Brahmam vs higher level Braham

SagUNa is lower
NorguNa is higher?

Swamy Desikan says it will bring duality dosham

Only difference according to me is:
To be with Perumal
To stay away from Perumal

Aandal Sang:
Ettraikkum Ezhu Ezhu Piravikkum unndhannOdu

Hanuman and GopikAs even rejected Para VAsudEvan they got the Anubhavam.

Let’s not beat around the bush.

Perumal willing he gives the EkAgraha chinthanai and magnam with Bhakthi with any roopam of his.

So whether it’s Leela Vibhuthi or Nithya Vibhuthi

It does not make a difference to Bhakthan

Confirmed by Swami AnanthAzhwan:
If this snake wins , I will do Kainkaryam in Vaikuntam
If Body snake wins, Kainkaryam will be extended in Tirumala

Therefore Karma cannot be reason for Shokam at any cost

So, Karma can’t be reason for Shokam even if Ramanuja refers PunyA and Papa directly as Karma itself.

The mere discussion happening in this Leela Vibhuthi is a strong evidence that gyAnam has no obstruction in any Vibhuthi/Plane which is meant for Leela

If KreedAchalam is a play thing in Sri Vaikuntam then of course

Sri Vaikuntam= Leela Vibhuthi

Please challenge me otherwise

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam


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0 on July 23, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

This Swamy has beautifully answered

Avidya root cause of Karma
Karma Root cause of Ruchi
Ruchi root cause of Samsara Bandham

Velukkudi Velukkudi dhan

So as adiyen rightly coined, this Avidya, once it is gone in SamsAra Bandham even while in SamsAram physically, it unites with Perumal and Karma not reason for Shokam but Avidya only reason for Shokam.


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