Enapni dated 10th September -Mahalayam

Updated on September 10, 2017 in Karma
0 on September 23, 2017

Dear Sir,

Thank you for the innumerable number of useful speeches that you have been giving to the society at large.

Doing this at this point of Kaliyuga requires lot of energy and determination and blessings from the Supreme Lord.

I have a doubt regarding today’s Enpani audio dated September 10 2017.

Who reaches Pitru loka and why? Aren’t our ancestors supposed to have reached vaikuntam already?

If not atleast they would have taken another birth, why woudl they remain in pitr loka?

If all departed souls pitrloka wouldn’t it be over populated?

On a side note I have heard that doing charity and feeding cows is very beneficial if done on Amavasya, but I hear some people saying that these acts of charity on Amavasya should be done only by those whose parents don’t exist anymore others should not do. Is it true?

Kindly clarify these doubts?



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