EnPani offline version – issues

Updated on October 21, 2021 in General
1 on October 21, 2021

Srimathe Nigamantha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Kinchit EnPaNi, not working offline
Steps to reproduce
1. Disconnect from Internet
2. Open Kinchit EnPaNi app
3. Click Audio (Shankam)

Getting error:
Please check your internet connection.
After clicking okay empty page is displayed.

Now that we have ability to listen offline let’s say while travelling in bus.

We should allow users to listen downloaded audios.

This has to be forwarded to technical team of Pegasus Industries Private limited the one who is maintaining the app.

@Admin team please do the needful.


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0 on October 21, 2021

Srimate Raamanujaye Namaha,

Swamy yes i understand the issue you have indicated.

It seems the Enpani app needs internet connection to open. so if we have internet connection , we can turn it on and open the app. After that if we close the connection, still can hear previously downloaded audios.

Second option is in the file manager, if we can locate “Kinchitkaram” folder, all downloaded audios are there, which can be heard without need for internet connection,




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