Female SanyAsis of Bhagavad RamAnujachAryar

Updated on November 28, 2022 in Acharyas
0 on November 28, 2022

NamaskAram Swamis!


Adiyen brought up this discussion in our forum a couple of months ago.

Adiyen recently happened to read the following online article that records the existence of female sanyAsis as Bhagavad RamAnujar’s disciples. These female ascetics had an honorific title called ‘Korris’.

Though there is very little clarity about them now, they were estimated to be around 700 in number.


Would be grateful if Velukkudi Swami could provide more information about the ‘Korris’.

Adiyen would be equally happy if other learned members in the forum could provide their viewpoints too.

– Adiyen

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