Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,
Dear Karthik Bhagavata,
Adiyen believe, due to Swamis busy schedule and travel for delivering upanyasams, there is possibility that Swami would have missed noticing some questions, or would have skipped if answers are already available in existing enpani audio.
Meantime, keeping Swamis ThiruvAdi and adiyens Acharyan ThiruvAdi on adiyens head, adiyen will try to answer in a ‘creamy form without details’, since BhagavAtas own Samasrayana Acharyan is the final guide regarding the detailed rituals.
Most rituals are stringent for Brahmins.
For example, doing dharpanam is more detailed for brahmins and within brahmins, the procedure changes between smartha, vaishnavaite etc….
For non-brahmins, rituals (dharpanam) is needed but is flexible as per shastras.
Swami has said about Veda Vyasar’s 3 statements:
1) Kali sadhuhu (kali yuga is the best yuga to reach moksham faster due to our agyanam/incapability, Bhagavan waves many things for all varnas),
2) Sthree sadhuhu (In addition to above 1) benefits, A women of any varnas gets Moksham easier in kali yuga),
3) Shudra sadhuhu (In addition to above 1) & 2) , A non-brahmin (4th varna male or female) gets moksham faster in kali yuga than the other 3 varnas due to Bhagavan waving many shastric deeds for them)
To qualify for these benefits for Moksham, one has to a Sharanagathan on lotus feet of SriKrishna.
Since Bhagavata says, Bhagavata is a non-brahmin SriVaishnavaite and bhagavatas father attained SriVaikuntam, from which adiyen infer that Bhagavata is a Sharanagathan and has a Samasryana Acharyan, and that Acharyan is nithing but Bhagavatas ” UPAKARAKA” Acharyan and self Vadhyar Swami for Bhagavatas family. So please ask bhagavatas own Samasrayana Acharyan what to follow, and don’t wander around with different Vadhyar Swamis.
“Shastra Vazhiyaal, Acharyan Manadhaal ”
(Do what Shastras prescribe, but do only those shastras that our own Acharyan prescribes through HIS. Acharyans Mind).
If Bhagavata is staying at a longer distance from Bhagavatas own Samasrayana Acharyan, then get own Acharyans blessings first and then pick one vadhyar swami and convey Bhagavatas Acharyan Mind to that Vadhyar Swami around your place just to do the rituals, but for attaining Swami Ramanujar ThiruvAdi (Moksham), Bhagavatas own Upakaraka Acharyan is the only route.
Like, for adiyen, Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami is the GyanAcharyan who guided adiyen to have a Upakaraka Acharyan. So adiyen and adiyen’s sambhandhis route to reach Moksham (UdayavAr ThiruvAdi) is Sri Velukkudi Swami ThiruvAdi and adiyens Upakaraka Acharyans GuruParamparai ThiruvAdi.
Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu.