Hurting situation

Updated on October 19, 2022 in General
6 on October 5, 2022

Srimathae Ramanujayae namaha,
Sri Velukkudi krishnan swamy thiruvadigala saranam,

Namaskaram swamy,

This is regarding enpani audio 2289.Our achariyar has clearly explained When someone hurts us,we should take it they are hurting only this body and not atma.And also if we uplift ourself with good morals,it wont hurt us and just leave that.

I have a query regarding this situation as i am facing this situation and feel i am doing right or wrong.If one of our close relative coming to our house (which i cant stop them coming)and whenever they come by default they are going to hurt that too infront of my perumal photo which i feel dont want to happen again.So just if they come,will welcome and go inside.i wont talk parents and sister will be talking with them.

Sometimes feel am i hurting them by not talking .is it correct swamy.


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0 on October 5, 2022

Adiyen is worried about pappam of hurting or not able to please them.

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adiyen remember from Swami’s upanyasams that Koorathalwar (or one of our sampradaya acharyas) used to say when there is a wrong doing by someone knowingly try to correct them or if you can’t move away from that place. adiyen strikes a parallel that devareer would have tried the first way and since it’s not working now following the second way. 

  • Liked by
0 on October 6, 2022

Dhanyosmi swamy


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0 on October 8, 2022

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

There is a concept for this type of situation as mentioned by questionare initially, which any JeevAthma (a.k.a Soul in English closest word) goes through called as:

“AnyonyaGhaatha Prabhava”.

* we learn Tolerance from Intolerant,
* we learn Silence from Talkative,
* we learn Kindness from Unkind,
* we learn Gratitude from Ungrateful,
The question arises, does these Intolerant, Talkative, Unkind, Ungrateful really teach us Tolerance, Silence, Kindness, Gratitude, if so why they are not self like that?

It means, we develop Tolerance by looking at a Intolerant person that we should never be like them,
Same way we develop Kindness by looking at a Unkind person that we should never be like them,
Likewise for Silence and Gratitude.

This is a beautiful system that Almighty GOD has integrated in this Material world to bring us up by developing Resilience.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) Dasan.

  • Liked by
0 on October 9, 2022

Dhanyosmi Swamy for you reply.


  • Liked by
0 on October 19, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

We should keep busy ourselves in SathSangam. Our mind will not bother these petty relationship issues. This is my stance.

Let them keep telling or hurting. Soldrava sollindey iruppa.

Uyya orey vazhi Udayavar Thiruvadi


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