Is it okay to say Krishna was “born”?

Updated on August 14, 2017 in Avatars
1 on August 14, 2017

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Krishna was born. “Pirappilladhavan pirandhaan”. He is not bound to Karma.

Then why we attribute term “birth” to him? While it should be descended? Avathaar

Avatharithaar seriya pirandhaar seriya?

Many azhwars have sung. Nammazhwar Krishna tatvam “Pirandhaar uyarndhEy”

Still have doubt

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0 on August 14, 2017

My Swami will know why am asking this question. If there is birth there should be _________.

So thondrinaar nu solli irukkalaamey. Illa avadharichAr nu sollirukkalAmEy.

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