Needy people dependent on community help

Updated on February 1, 2023 in Good qualities for human
8 on January 30, 2023

Dear Swamy/Periyava,

Adiyen ramanuja dasan

I was participating in some forums, that our Brahmin people need some help due to some unfortunate incidents/accidents so there were crowd funding and everyone was helping. But one question came why not our community people (vadiyars/vaidheegas) cant extend the free service for those needy people. Why we need to crowd funding for Rituals to be done by same B groups, can’t they do this as Dharma without money etc… One side yes it looks correct/ other side same vadiyars/vaidheegas main earning through these rituals! How as a B group community we can balance the needy+ fulfill the rituals.

I knew we have mutts/Acharya are our main source to seek for help in all situation.( Who will hear our cry of needy people in emergency situation) any guidance will be nice ЁЯЩП

Kshamikavum for any wrong question i mentioned here.

Adiyen ramanuja dasan

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2 on January 30, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Got your point. Adiyen not qualified to respond to this question. Either way it will lead to some apachAram.

One thing completely accepted that service can be extended to poor by vAthiyAr Swamies. Ideally they cannot “demand” and should accept whatever we give. That is shastram. Also we should contribute to VadhiyAr Swamy as much as possible generously yathA Shakthi. Kanakku paaka kudathu.

Also better to keep some aathu vAdhiyAr (if available) to continue that relationship. When relationship builds money will become secondary. Like family doctor concept.

Crowdfunding adiyen can’t comment. How we know other’s purpose? They may be doing good..We cannot speculate.

For me ground rule, contribute to Kinchitkaram, Andavan Ashramam on regular basis. Also if we find any Spiritual guru in person then contribute.

Adiyen use the word contribute instead of donate. Donate means I have upper hand. It is Bhagawan SwayamEva KArithavAn. It is my Kruthangyathai.


Adiyen use the word contribute instead of donateFrom vikraminside

‘offer’ is an appropriate word too.

on January 31, 2023

Ok Swamy

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4 on January 30, 2023


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on January 31, 2023

Kandipa swamy but in reality people are crying for help/ adhuku oru Vali iruka?. Can you n me can call mutt tomorrow can seek emergency help?.

on January 31, 2023


Adiyen don’t involve in mutt activities. Sometimes our intentions will be misunderstood.


on January 31, 2023

Hmm I need another person who can understand connect poor B person to get the emergency help. Baghwane what’s your telephone no ?.

on February 1, 2023


Please email


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