New age gurus take middle stand on Sri Rama and Krishna Avatars

Updated on June 1, 2020 in Avatars
1 on August 15, 2019

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe SriVarAha MahAdEsikAya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

A section of sanAthana Dharma crowd is tend to believe what Sri Rama and Krishna did is neither right or wrong. Some critics say wrong about it. Those who favour may say good about it

Just take whatever life lessons possible and don’t try to imitate Sri Rama

Sounds sensible but as sanAthana dhArmikAs when people say their life is a failure and those are teachings as how not to life and stuffs like that

Won’t it change the mentality of the followers?

Why should Rama be born and suffer for us?
Why Krishna was born to get criticisms from us?

If God was there in his abode he wouldn’t have been even a point of discussion for us.

We would have said he is so superior. He is unquestionable. .

We understand that to re-establish dharma he will incarnate.

My question is what’s the break-even point to incarnate?
People may come & go. If one undergoes torture then that is also adharma for that life like prahlAdA. The life is reborn or not doesn’t matter. If we say God waits for karma to to take its course then he need not do avatar at all. Anyway it’s cause and effect relationship. For whose benefit he is doing Avatar? What is the dharma he is talking about? Society on the whole or for individual?

What’s the real purpose of all these avatArs? How to correctly understand?

Please explain


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0 on June 1, 2020

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

As usual, Adiyen will continue to SHARE & TAME from Velukkudi Swami’s “Sharanagathy” Upanyasams and SriVaishnava blogs with Acharya ThiruvAdi Bhalam and Velukkudi Swami’s Aasirvadham and Abhimaanam regarding the query, “……..What’s the real purpose of all these avatArs? How to correctly understand?……..”, 


Why did God reveal the Veda’s ?

Our beloved Lord, Bhoomi Neelaa Sri sametha Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan, out of his extraordinary kaarunyam and love for us, has given us this birth as a jeevaathma with its full knowledge and brilliance, according to our karma in our previous births. We the jeevaathmaas are born on this earth as a result of our paapams or punyams we did in our previous births.
We are born as a maanusha janma in the first place, because of the punyams we did in the previous births. Sriyapathi , Sriman Narayanan , due to His kaarunyam on these ‘Jeevathmas ’,(created by Him to fulfill His leelas ) ,wants the souls to come back to Him after leading a meaningful life on this earth , only to enjoy His ThiruKalyanaGunas in the ‘Samyapathi Moksham ’ state in Srivaikuntam . ( This is our Srivaishnava philosophy ).

First attempt – Through VEDA’s :
The first attempt by God to help the jeevatma’s is through VEDA’s. Veda’s explains the following things to help us attain
moksham. “What should we do and what we should not do. எதை பற்ற வேண்டும் எதை விட வேண்டும் .
The veda does explain the way of life and how to reach HIM.” He gave us the great gift of Four Vedas, Smrtis and Suthraas, Shaastraas and Puraanaas. They were gifted to us in Sanskrit language. The jeevaathmaa however, fails to understand the meaning of these scriptures and misinterprets them in unwanted ways. Hence bhagavaan thinks that he failed in his attempt.

Second attempt – Through Avatar’s / Incarnation’s :
Veda’s are books full of knowledge i.e. sastra’s and gnanam. But we need someone to demonstrate what has been told in the vedas so GOD himself comes down in the form of various avatars. Through various Avatar’s GOD tried to live/demonstrate by example. People are drowning in the சம்ஸார கடல். To help people cross this சம்ஸார கடல் , he
took various avatarangal and came down himself.
But why should HE himself come and not delegate to others?

வேற யாரையும் அனுப்பாமல் பெருமாள் ஏன் அவரே அவதாரம் எடுக்கிறார்? எப்படி ராஜா சேனைகளை எதிர்பார்க்காமல் கடலில் விழுந்த குழந்தையை தானே குதித்து காப்பாற்றுகிறாரோ அதே போல் பெருமாள் சம்ஸார கடலில் விழுந்த ஜீவாத்மாக்களை காப்பாற்ற வருகிறார் .

So in the second attempt, he thinks that, unless he is born on this earth, he cannot achieve his goal. So he takes the Vibhava Avathaaram as Mathsya, Koorma, Varaaham, Narasimham, Vaamanam, Rama, Krishnan, Kalki etc…not limited to this but Innumerable Avatars as Acharyas Says “உடையவனுக்கு பல முழுக்கு, உடமைக்கு ஒரு முழுக்கு“. Thus the lord came down to the earth as ten different manifestations to save us from this ocean of
samsaaram, but he still felt that he couldn’t attain his objective.
Bhagavaan says in bhagavadh gita “Hey Arjunaa! Even after trying innumerable methods to save the jeevaathmaas, they fail to realize that I came all the way to the earth from the heavenly abode to save them and I am the Supreme Being. They see me as that specific avataaram but not the actual Supreme Being who came down to earth as these vibhava avataarams.
If I am born as krishnaa they neglect me by saying, after all this is krishnaa who is born one amongst the people in gokulam”; if I show my power and brilliance from my heavenly abode, they say that I am unreachable. Hence I am neither able to show my supreme form nor the easiest form as a vibhavaavatharam. Since I showed only these two forms, I failed in
this attempt. I’m still thinking of a method to save these jeevaathmaas.”


Third attempt – Through Azhwar’s :

பகவானோட பக்தியில் ஆழ்ந்து இருக்கிறதுனாலே ஆழ்வார், நம்மளையும் பக்தியிலே ஆழ்ந்துபோக சொல்லுகிறனாலே ஆழ்வார் .

So after the second attempt, bhagavaan thinks that he cannot save these jeevaathmaas if he manifests himself as paramaathaa, because both (BhagavAN and JeevAthma) are unequal in their qualities and characteristics. One cannot use the lion to catch the elephant, because the lion will eat the elephant. Hence the jeevaathmaa can be corrected only by another jeevaathmaa. So bhagavaan sends aazhwaars to this earth to save the jeevaathmaas. First comes the avataaram of perumaal’s divya amsams as mudal aazhwaars: Poigai, Bootham, Peyaazhwaar and then pugazh mazhisai iyyan, arulmaaran, seralar kon, thuyya bhatta nadhan, anbargaal thooli, narpaanan, and narkaliyan who gave us the essence of vedas.
They did their duty in translating the vedaas as the Naalaayira Divya Prabandham in Tamil. But they never educated the jeevaathmaas by their guidance and upadesams except through their prabandhams. Instead they were immersed in their extreme love towards emperumaan themselves. They experienced emperumaan within themselves by singing his praise; they cried for liberation from this world, but none of them made an attempt to guide a normal jeevathmaa to make the jeevaathma realize emperumaan. Aazhwaar saw the state of the jeevathmaas and decided that they cannot guide these jeevaathmaas and instead, sought liberation from this world. They cried with love to emperumaan to take them away from this earth and they sang the sacred 4000 and attained the lord’s feet at paramapadam. So we had only the Prabandhams
that they sung. This made bhagavaan think that he failed in this attempt also.

Fourth Attempt – Through POORVAACHARYA’s & Acharya Guru Parampara:
In the fourth attempt, bhagavaan wanted someone to guide the jeevaathmaas throughout their life in understanding the inner meanings and intentions of vedaas, shaastraas, puraanaas and prabandhams. This will make them realize the Supreme Being. Hence bhagavaan thought of sending aachaaryaas who are like aazhwaars, since they were geared towards guiding the jeevaathmaa rather than experiencing the Supreme Being themselves, like the aazhwaars. Thus, there was a need for a jeevatma who can represent other Jeevatma’s and lead other jeevatma’s to salvation through upadesam using the references of azhwars and the Veda’s. Uyarntha athma’s came down as POORVAACHARYAR’s. Poorvacharyar also had the nithyasoorigal’s shakthi /amsam.
Guru Parampara is the uninterrupted lineage of Acharyas right from the Supreme Lord Sriman Narayana up to one’s own Acharya. We shall see more on Poorvaacharya’s and Acharya Guru parampara later.
Thus Veda’s are here to help us attain moksham by teaching us “What should we do and what we should not do. எதை பற்ற வேண்டும் எதை விட வேண்டும் .
The veda does explain the way of life and how to reach HIM.


And the final route for NO -BIRTH, Free from SAMSAARAM (Material WOrld) Permanenetly for anyone on any Religion, any Philosophies, any Castes, any Gender, any Place is by saying “UYYA ORAEY VAZHI UDAYAVAR THIRUVADI” for Moksham in SAME BIRTH.


Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DHoddayacharyAr) Dasan.

KKC Sholinghur DhoddayAcharyar-VedanthAcharyAr-KumaraSingarcharyar-Velukkudi Swamigal ThiruvAdigaley Sharanam,

Sholinghur Amrithavalli Thayar Samedha Bhakthochitan Perumal KI Jai.

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