Perumaal Anugraham vs Acharya Kataksham

Updated on December 3, 2020 in Acharyas
13 on April 30, 2020

Srimate Ramanujacharya Namaha!

Namaskaaram Swami!

Whenever favorable spiritual things happen to us (or sometimes even when the so called favorable material events) we attribute it sometimes to Perumaal’s Anugraham and sometimes we say it is Acharya’s Kataksham.  Are both Acharya Kataksham and Perumaal Anugraham same and can be used interchangeably?

(P.S: Some exalted souls like Queen Kunti do consider even materially unfavorable events as Perumaal’s Anugraham to increase their dependency on Perumaal, but may not be applicable for normal beginning devotees)





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0 on May 10, 2020

Srimate Ramanujacharya Namaha!

Can someone kindly clarify the above doubt.



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Namaskaram Swami

One Samadhanam could be, before we become Acharyan sishya and bhakta thereafter, firstly when we are guided and moved towards Acharyan, Velukkudi Krishnan Swami has always cited this as firstly you would get Bhagvatas Sambhandam then Acharyan further Thirumal, but here is the catch  i.e if we were Shriman from childhood that we had from birth even got  Bhagvatas Sambhandam then after getting that we could have uplifted spritually by our own however that does’nt happen too easily for everyone but no issues Bhagwan does’nt leave anyone just like that he provides opportunities from which using our right freewill need to choose what is good, so firstly when bhagwan gives the opportunity to each soul to associate with a Bhagwata and after that Acharyan then finally Sri hari. Now coming back to the first part of your question, it’s true whenever we get spritually motivated Kainkaryam or even certain material Accomplishment its because of Bhagwan since he gave us the mind ,bhuddi and the indriyas to work upon a task and achieving the same moreover as krishna stated in the gita what is the true Swaroopa of every being, then why to get elated when a material thing is accomplished ( Follow it throgh as Karma Yogam ; with concern to 3 major Tyagams in mind  Kartartva Bhuddi tyagam, Mamakara tyagam, and Thyanda Phalan Tyagam ) okay, if one asks then is it same for Bhagwat Kainkaryam, then no is the answer since that is something which natural (Iyarkai) to the soul .

So Material Accomplishment and Sprituality to keep in Mind – Karma Yogam

As far as Swami Ramanuja Sampradayam is concerned there is a slight bit of highness towards the Acharyan as compared to Thirumal. But to keep in mind 

Firstly Thirumal’s Anugraham in the form of an opportunity with Bhagwata Samagamam then Acharyan Samagamam then finally with Bhagwan.


As stated earlier of Swami Ramanuja Sampradaya, there is also a significant statement which is given by every Sri Vaishnava that, when one Saranagata attains Thirunadu then we state Acharyan Thiruvadiye Adaindar. this can even be witnessed in Sri Ramayanam when Sabari after receiving Sri Rama in her Hermitage lastly said I am leaving you Rama to get joined with my Acharyan.


Adiyen Dasan

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1 on June 22, 2020

Srimate Ramnujaye NAmaha!

Dhanyosmi swami.. Yes you are correct the Perumaal anughram happens after and only through Acharya/Guru Katasksham.


on June 23, 2020

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
@enpanifan swamy
Our Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy has blessed in EnPaNi 1781.

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0 on June 23, 2020

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Lakshmi NAtha samArambhAm

PerumAL is the 1st AchAryan as per Sri Vaishnava sampradayam

SadAshiva samArambhAm is the 1st AchAryan according to Saiva tradition

So Acharyan & God are no different

  • Liked by
0 on June 23, 2020

Guru sAkshAth param brahma tasmai Sri Guravey Nama:

  • Liked by
1 on June 23, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye namaha!

Dhanyosmi Shri Velukkudi swami for clarifying the nuances of Acharya Kataksham and Perumaal anugraham..

@Ramanujadasn swamy, your statement is also proved today.. that “we first get Bhagavata association then we get Guru/Acharya Kataksham then Perumaal Anugraham” 

Similarly Adiyen posted this in April 30, but could not get Velukkudi swami’s kataksham, then Ramnujadasan Swami took interest,(it became Bhagavtha association) then it got Swami’s Kataksham..:)-

@vikram Swamy Thanks for indicating the audio no in this thread.



Namaskaram Swami

Nice Analogy Swami, and happy that you posted such a question wherein every Bhagwata got the opportunity to hear it directly from Velukkudi Krishnan Swami.

And nothing of my statement is proved swami I just shared what I heard in upanayasams of Krishnan Swami, so all credits to him and yes along side with Acharyan and Divya Dampathis Anugraham that I remembered the exact meaning of the question and shared the same.

Adiyen Dasan

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  • Liked by
1 on June 26, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha!

Today heard an interesting analogy which related to this thread, so thought of sharing. The understanding is the same as above..but a different example.

We are amidst forest fire in samsaram and the forest can be very close to ocean but we need clouds to pick up that water and pour it over as rain. Similarly, Sri Krishna is the primary source of Anugraham, which is carried by acharya and poured over us in the form of instructions that will save us.


Namaskaram Swami

Aahaa Adhbudam Swami

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  • Liked by
1 on November 20, 2020

Namaskaram enpanifan swami

Krishnan swami’s enpani audio1931 in app, discuses more in detail over this thread. It is invaluable to hear.

Adiyen Dasan

on November 20, 2020

Srimate Raamanujaye Namaha!

Yes very true swami, yesterday when i was hearing the audio, i was recollecting this thread. Thanks for identifying the thread.



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0 on December 3, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaya Namaha

I’m not qualified but I say what I heard from other Bagavathas.

“Are both Acharya Kataksham and Perumaal Anugraham same and can be used interchangeably?”

No. Acharya is dependent on Perumal, so we can’t use them interchangeably and they are not same. But effect can be same but they are totally different.

Acharya can do Kataksham only when Perumal gives his Anugraham to Acharya


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