Adiyen Swamy,
I read about the procedure to recite Valmiki Ramayanam Sundra kandam like below,
Read the entire Sundara Kanda once in ONE full day.
* Read Chapter 1-35 on the first day and the rest of the chapters in the SECOND day.
* Read Chapter 1-37 on the first day, 37-40 on the second day and the rest on the THIRD day.
* Read chapter 1-15 on the first day, 16-37 on the second day, 38th chapter on the third day, 39-54 on the fourth day and the rest on the FIFTH day.
* Start on a Friday, daily read 9 chapters and complete reading on the next Friday. EIGHT days
* Read within NINE days stopping each day on 5th, 15th, 20th, 26th, 28th, 40th, 52nd, 80th and 68th chapters.
* Daily read 6 chapters and complete it on the TWELTH day.
* Till 22 days read two chapters a day, 5 chapters on the 23rd day, 3 chapters on the 24th day, 6 chapters on the 25th day, 3 chapters on the 26th day, 4 chapters on the 27th day and the rest 3 chapters on the TWENTY-EIGHTH day.
Similarly, is there any procedure or rules to read verses of Kamba Ramayanam Sundra kandam.
Kindly advise.
Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan