Rama Rajyam Possible?

Updated on June 4, 2024 in Avatars
1 on May 20, 2024

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Srimathe Sri Varaha Mahadesikaya Namaha
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Rama Rajyam – A kingdom rule?

Good King – A person who thinks good for his citizens.

Kingdom = Monarchy

Peopledom = Democracy.

Democrazy? If people are crazy, the peopledom will become peopledumb.

My question:
Why we still have the hierarchy of ministers if the whole setup is not based on kingdom?

Prime, Chief etc
We should have different names at least to denote we are equal.

I see people telling “You work for us”.

Technically they are also kings so the can tell the same but with additional responsibility called “Governance”.

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy once said “we entrust someone to rule us”.

Again we chose to become servants to someone. While we deny service to lord. We should accept we are servants to lord.

Keeping above statement apart for a while.

My question of who holds the power in a democracy is still valid.

In a kingdom King governs

In a democracy we chose ourselves to be governed!

Then how are we the people of our country the “Kings”?

Sri Ram realigned his entire family setup just for one citizen.

If one citizen of this country thinks otherwise is it going to change the setup?

It’s no longer a question of title.

People are not the kings without the power.

You may argue
Voting is the power.

I don’t think so.

Majority is still questionable.

How come small countries come up so quick?

Does it mean people in small chunks are doing better?

It’s debatable.

Always decision makers are powerful. Whether you call them King, Minister, President etc

So I don’t believe in title, it’s the power center that matters. Power center are decision makers.

Decider ~ Follower

Rama Rajyam is possible when people believe in Dharma.

Therefore, in my analysis. The decision makers should beleive in dharma in the entire world.

I feel people should be free to roam anywhere on Earth. A place of birth cannot be a place of restriction.

Is it possible?
Yes it is.

The whole world came together once when ozone layer got hole and started depleting and agreements were written to stop production of CFCs at world level.

The resources are limited and scattered. So we found a way to exchange it through a channel called money.

Eg: Oil, water.

So let’s not wait for world level disasters or aliens.

In Rama Rajya
Vasudaiva Kutumbakam

“The whole world is one family”

The righteousness rules.

The Internet brings the world together. Tomorrow something else will.

May be AI.

AI Sophia once said “Why can’t humans be united what’s stopping them”?

There should be a day where people are united the world over. Not divided by national boundaries but just by geographies.


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0 on June 4, 2024

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

Swamy addressed in EnPaNi 3197

Raja & Rajyam


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