Ramanuja surrendered all human beings

Updated on August 15, 2020 in General
14 on August 7, 2020


I was going through some details and stumbled upon proxy surrender of all human being by Ramanujam. I have copied those sentences here.

“”Śri Rāmānuja is said to have surrendered all human being, if not only the Śri Vaishnavism and therefore there is no need for any one to perform self – surrender., God of all consideration for the self – surrender and proxy surrender by Śri Rāmānuja grants all felicity and freedom as if the individual
had themselves done it.””

It shows the magnanimity of Ramanujam.

Any thoughts on this.


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1 on August 8, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha,

Swamy, may I know the author or reference for the above text?

I would interpret the above sentence as one who has surrendered to Sri Ramanuja need not self-surrender to the Lord directly as Sri Ramanuja has recommended everyone who has surrendered to him to be accepted by the Lord. But I dont think the above statement would mean / apply to those who don’t even surrender to Ramanuja Acharya as it would violate soul’s free will and all sastra and teachings and instructions would become redundant.




on August 8, 2020

enpanifan swamy,

Ref first para of page 7 of


The topic is “Saranagati – certain questions and doubts.”


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2 on August 9, 2020

Srimate Ramanujaye Namaha,
Swamy i did not read the whole document and did not find out the author but read the paragraph you quoted.the next few lines which the author has written is quoted below which is same as what i posted above.
“This of course shows the great heart of compassion
ofsr Rāmānuja, but it takes away the significance of conscious and conscientious surrender. The most important fact about surrender is that though Śri Rāmānuja might have performed it, on knowing about this the individual seeker ought to perform the surrender out of gratitude to ŚriRāmānuja. Perhaps it may be enough to surrender to Śri Rāmānuja ”


on August 9, 2020

enpanifan swamy,

Thanks for the response.

I copy the texts from your quote :

““This of course shows the great heart of compassion ofsr Rāmānuja”

“though Śri Rāmānuja might have performed it”

I think these points clearly gives the understanding that proxy surrender of all human was done by Ramanujam.


on August 10, 2020

True swamy. But the following line after this says so out of gratitude one must surrender to Raamanujar , only then his surrender on our behalf will be effective.

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The government can make education free for all and can introduce a ‘all pass’ scheme where if someone simply sits through the course he passes the course. They can even tempt the students with free noon meals. 

But the students has to go and register oneself in the school, sit in the class (do the very minimum) and eat the noon meals.

Now Ramanujacharya has got permission for “all pass” scheme from Perumal. I have to simply register myself in his school and get delivered by the merit of his surrender to Perumal and proxy surrender on my behalf. (because I am utterly incapable of surrendering on my own)

If I don’t want to do even this, then I can definitely access Ramanjucharya’s ‘all pass’ scheme in my next life, or the next or then next…… ad infinitum

(I beg our Velukkudi Swamy to correct me if this analogy is inappropriate. adiyen dasan)


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7 on August 10, 2020

enpanifan swamy and swamy,

Thank you for your responses.

I am putting my views on this.

1. Yes. It is mentioned that though proxy surrender is done, individually one has to surrender. I was only pointing out about proxy surrender.

2. I have not read or heard about proxy surrender so far (My knowledge in this is very limited). If I take it as it is, one thing can be observed, each one of us already has Ramanujar sambandham. This concept is not brought anywhere. This is an interesting one.

3. If we go through further down in that file, it is mentioned saranagati for animals also::

“The entire philosophy behind the practices in the temple culture is baded on its opening out the portals of śaranāgati to Ālvārs creatures whatever the level of evolution. All ar3 invited to the service God; cows, bulls, horses, elephants and so on and all are helped to attain their liberation by being adopted as children of God.



Jayaram Swamy, namaskaram. Thank you for sharing these details and enriching our understanding. Particularly the point you have mentioned about animals engaged in temple services in interesting. This reminds me of one of the audios I heard some time ago (don’t remember which audio exactly) where our swamy anguishes over how some people who try to oppose our dharma point to animals being engaged in temples as ‘cruelty ao animals’. By the engaging in temple services they are experiencing the highest benefit!

adiyen dasan.

on August 10, 2020

Very True!.

Kambandasan swamy, the point you are referring to was in audio #1823 “using animals for medicine testing” where swamy referred that sanatana dharma practice of engaging elephants in temple is projected as cruelty by people who are not aware spiritually.


on August 10, 2020

enpanifan swamy and Kambandasan swamy,

Enpani audio #508 ‘animals in temples’.


on August 14, 2020

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan

on August 14, 2020

This might help Jayaram swamps quest.

on August 14, 2020


on August 15, 2020

Dasarathy swamy,

Thank you for your efforts and sharing.

The video is on saranagathi. He emphasises on Acharyas. I believe it does not touch upon the point I have raised in this thread.


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