Repetition of 4 yugams

Updated on May 31, 2021 in General
3 on May 25, 2021

Previously also all the 4 yugams would have occurred and after this kali yugam also same 4 yugams are going to repeat. Will all the repetitive yugams have the same dasavatharam of Perumal?
If so, people of previous Kali Yugam would have faced the same or similar pandemic as we are facing right now and they would have come out of it using some medicine or some way out. Why can’t we refer to all that if the same would have been recorded somewhere for a solution to this pandemic?

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  • Govindan Narayanan

Avatarams would repeat. Not every happening in the world.

on May 25, 2021

Appo Ramar, Kannan and other avatharams and other the same asuras would also repeat but Kali yugam will be totally different from what it is now, is it??

on May 31, 2021


Can you pls tell if the happenings of previous Chathuryugam have been recorded somewhere as a high level written text by great sages??

Would it be the same asuras Perumal would deal with in every Chathuryugam??

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