Sri Sarva Shastrartha Thatvatjyaya Namaha,
(Shastratthin Anaithu Porulayum (meanings) Ulladhu Ullapadi Arinndhu Vaitthu irukkum Swami Ramanujarai Vanangukiraen)
Sri Dasarathiye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruvae Namaha,
Dear Bakthas,
Yes, Bakthas answer matches Sri Velukkudi Swami’s past Answer-2 category.
Based on Swami’s past Answers, adiyen think that, since Baktha is ‘Pleasing’ BhagavAn by continuing the Karma-Anushtanams whereever the Baktha is present (outside Karma Bhoomi),
A) the Baktha can “THINK IN MIND” as if living in “Karma Bhoomi” while doing the Sankalpam outside India and continue family members way of sankalpam “jambudwipa, bharata varshe, bharata kande”, since it ‘matches‘ the sankalpam as done in India as per Swami’s Answer-2a & 2c, and try to follow as much as possible of 2b, &/or
B) Follow what the Baktha’s “individual” PARATHANTRAN ACHARYAN says for sankalpam as per Swami’s Answer-3, since we cannot bend Shastric rules and make a new sankalpam based on our own judgement based on circumstances. If Acharyan of that particular Baktha says to follow a particular Sankalpam, then that is what “Perumal will be Pleased”, since Acharyan is Perumal’s another Avataram.
At the same time, the baktha need not confuse themselves with many sankalpams and don’t interfere in the local Temple sankalpams or other people sankalpams and try to correct them, since we don’t know what would be Answer-3 for that particular Baktha from his own Acharyan.
Here is the detailed explanation with due diligence. If Bakta has time, then please read.
Adiyen has heard Sri Velukkudi Swami mentioning couple of scenarios in different discourses and some in Enpani Audios. Adiyen will try as best as possible to SHARE the answers referencing Swami’s pravachanams with Acharya blessings.
Adiyens ‘observation’ is that, there are ALWAYS three types of VALID ANSWERS for ANY question. But adiyen Don’t have any Pramaanam to support this classification, but the three types of Answers are very true for any question.
* Answer-1 based on “Gyanam” [‘Valid’ Hard Answer is received, if we DON’T project our HELPLESSNESS (due to ‘Ahambhavam/Aanavam’)].
* Answer-2 based on “Sneha Poorva Gyanam” [‘Valid’ Tender Answer (neither Hard nor Soft) is received, if we project our curosity to know the answer in order to ‘FOLLOW’ with Submissiveness/Humbleness (due to ‘Panivu/Thannadakkam’)].
*Answer-3 based on “Karunai” [‘Valid’ Soft Answer is received, if we project our HELPLESSNES (due to ‘Iyalaamai’)].
Now coming to the question, Sri Velukkudi Swami has answered about doing any “Karma-Anushtanams” outside Karma Bhoomi (Bharata Kandam) in the above three ANSWER formats in the past at ‘different timings’ as below. This question ‘Sankalpam’ is one of the item that falls under the category of “Karma-Anushtanams” outside Karma Bhoomi.
Answer-1 based on “Gyanam”(What Perumal’s Only “SHASTRAS” says about it):
(‘Valid’ Hard Answer is received, if we DON’T project our HELPLESSNESS (Ahambhavam/Aanavam)).
Once any Brahman crosses ocean, then the Brahman loses his ‘Varna Ashrama Dharmam’ and is In-Eligible to do any ‘Vaidhika Karmas as per Sanatana Dharmam’, since we have done “Anishtam Seikai (Perumal says, not to cross ocean, but we did against Perumal Will). So, creating our own method (which ‘Kande’, which Dwepa’ etc…) other than what is said in Shastras is not acceptable by Perumal. So we need to do “Prayaschittam” for crossing ocean and further stop violating Shastras, which means after Prayaschittam, be in “Bharata Kande” and continue the Vaidhika karmas as per Sanatana Dharmam. If the intention of Sankalpam is to ‘PLEASE’ Perumal, then Perumal gets pleased only when Karma-Anushtanams as per HIS Shastras are followed.
Swami’s Answer-1 in this Dharma Sandeha forum under topic “Foreign Tour”.
“Yes. Crossing ocean and visiting other countries is a violation of sastra.
Prayaschittam is prescribed. But you would agree with me that prayaschittam is
effective only when the violation stops. Exception cannot become a rule. So if
we decide not to cross again, then Sethu snanam and krucchra dhanam there is the
remedy. “
Answer-2 based on “Gyanam and Sneham” (What Perumal’s “SHASTRAS & KARUNAI” together says about it):
(‘Valid’ Tender Answer is received, if we project our HELPLESNESS and also show the curosity to know the answer to FOLLOW with Submissiveness/humbleness (Panivu/Thannadakkam)).
Swami’s Answer-2 is based on a English Q&A session between Swami and Baktha’s, when one of the Baktha asked Swami about:
Question by a Baktha: ” Is Karma-Anushtanams need to be done only in India, since India is Karma Bhoomi. We are far from India. So all the Kainkaryams that we do, where will it go?, since we are in Bhoga Bhoomi and not in Karma Bhoomi. Kindly answer what we should do?.”
Swami’s Reply:
All Karma-Anushtanams done in Bharata Desam will INDEED result in GOOD DEEDS and give Fruits. That doesn’t mean we shouldnot do any Karma-Anushtanams if we are in Bhoga Bhoomi or anywhere outside India.
Whereever we are, either in Bharata desa or outside, we should keep doing our:
* Nithya Anushtana
* Nithya Anusandhana
* Nithya Aaradhana.
These has to be done whereever we are present. When we do these, “the factor of Karma-Bhoomi is not applicable there”.
For dhanam, dharmam, pitrukaryam, it is true that places like Gayaa, Kasi are only accepted as Punya Bhoomi or Karma Bhoomi. One has to perform that particular rituals only there. But if we are outside India, doesn’t mean we can stop performing any Karma-Anushtanams. Ofcourse BhagavAn is pleased if Gayaa Sharadham or Badrikaashrama Pinda pradhanam is performed in these punya places.
So here is what I would request to those who live outside India:
2a) Perform the Aaradhana and Karmas without fail as prescribed in Shastras, &
2b) Whenever they come to India, go to that specific punya place and perform there.
2c) Even-if we are performing it outside India, atleast THINK IN MIND that we are performing the ritual in the Punya places as prescribed in Shastras.
We have to get only best out of the current situation possible. So if you follow these a) , b) and c), then “BhagavAn WILL CERTAINLY BE PLEASED”.
Swami Reply to the Baktha’s particular question Ends.
Answer-3 based on “Sneham/Premam” (What Perumal’s Only “KARUNAI/Mercy” in the form of “ACHARYA (Ramanuja) Avataram” says about it):
(‘Valid’ Soft Answer is received, if we project our HELPLESSNES (Iyalaamai)).
Swami in Enpani #182 “Validity of Shastric Rules”, says
” there are questions that many Shastric rules that were applicable on old days couldn’t be followed now due to circumstances. So we start thinking, can we change Shastric rules based on our own circumstances like crossing ocean, which food to eat etc…”
We don’t have any authoirty to change Shastric rules set by BhagavAn.
Only Madathipadhikal, Acharya Purushas have AUTHORITY to discuss and come to a conclusion about which Shastric rules can be applied in currrent Circumstantial situations, since many couldn’t be followed, and which could be adjusted”.
Swami also has said in another discourse about “Shastra Vazhiyal Acharyan (Ramanujar) Manadhal/MOZHIYAL”
Which means, there are many Shastric rules which cannot be followed by us due to “our ignorance and incapability”. So Acharyan with HIS MIND (Manadhal) will pick which Shastric rule (Shastra Vazhiyal) can be given to a particular Shisya based on the ‘Shisyas ABILITY’ and Acharyan will instruct by SPEECH (Mozhiyal) to do it, and we don’t need to focus on all, since we are incapable of doing all. But, first thing we have to do, is to “repent for what we cannot do and fall on Acharyan lotus feet (Sharanam)”, then Perumal is PLEASED.
Sri Velukkudi Swami to forgive adiyen, if adiyen deviated from Swami’s Pravachanams.
Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,
Adiyen Acharya Dasan,
Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan,
Snanam Seyyamal Puzhudhiyudan Irukkum SriKrishna BhagavAn ki Jai.