Swamy adiyenai mannitheera vimochanam unda?

Updated on July 4, 2020 in Acharyas
6 on July 3, 2020

Sri Velukkudi Varadachariyar Swamy Thiruvadigaley Sharanam

Adiyen avaraiye sevichukaren appo dhAn ivar mannippAr

We call it escalation ๐Ÿ™‚

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Vikram swamy, namaskaaram.

May I please take some friendly liberty and place a suggestion for your consideration?

Please don’t post such personal message for Swamy on the forum. You may speak to Swamy directly or email him directly or send a personal message through this forum. But refrain from posting a personal message publicly. That is not the purpose this forum, and many members may not take it well.

Now that you have expressed in public, please let me share my view. Firstly, your thought that Swamy is upset with you is just your imagination. Are you angry with the mosquitto which bit you in 1995 when you were studying for your exam? You don’t even remember right? First of all, you would not be angry because you would have just ignored it thinking “it is just doing it’s natural propensity” and not felt any anger towards it. Even if you did feel hurt at that moment, you would have forgotten it in less than 5 minutes. You have more important things to think about.

Similarly, for our Swamy we are small children. No silly act of us can upset him. Even if something hurt him momentarily, he would have forgotten about it; he has lot more important things to think about than one of the insignificant members of Dharma sandheha forum.

From another point of view, tolerance and forgiveness are innate qualities of a Vaishnava. Swamy is preaching these qualities and beacuse of him so many of us are cultivating these qualities. Then how can he be angry with someone and carry it in heart for so long. To go on harping about it and repeatedly asking “are you angry?” “are you angry?” is an offence.

You must be fully confident that he is not upset with even the silliest of things you might have done; at the same time, if you feel you have committed an offence it is important for you to seek forgiveness; this you may do so in a one-to-one communication; not publicly.

Doing so publicly only draws more attention to you and that kind of attention is not good for you.

Next time you feel like posting something like this, please save the draft and wait for 24 hours; if you still feel you must post it then submit it. If the 24 hours helped you to realise it is not necessary to post it publicly, then delete it.

Please forgive me for taking the liberty to advise you. Thank you.

adiyen dasan.ย  ย 

on July 3, 2020


“Even if something hurt him momentarily, he would have forgotten about it; he has lot more important things to think about than one of the insignificant members of Dharma sandheha forum”

Adiyen is insignificant. For me my swamy even momentarily being upset makes me feel down.

Swamy would have forgiven this insignificant being long back just for thrupthi adiyen asked.

Guru shapam polladhadhu
Even for half a second
Why should adiyen be a target?

Looks like devareer also upset with me by the way you have written the above post

Na thappu panninen opena mannipu kekkaren

Opena thappu pannittu privatea mannippu keppAlA?

Kshamikka PrArthikiren


on July 3, 2020

None of adiyen’s question was answered after that ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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2 on July 4, 2020

Vikram Swami,

Here is yet another unsolicited opinion.

Adiyen think the point Kambandasan swami is trying to make here is “the more you try to be pushy; it might appear like a ‘hue and cry’. Who knows; it might even distance you further from Velukkudi swami”.

Adiyen do not think Velukkudi swami would have decided to stop answering your questions.ย 

People do not matter to him but questions do. Any question that deem fit to be answered (according to Velukkudi swami; not according to the questioner) would surely be answered.

Though adiyen rarely asks questions in this forum, very few questions have been answered by Velukkudi swami. And I don’t feel bad about it because I know I may not be asking the right questions all the time.

So keep trying your luck with the correct choice of questions.

– Adiyen

on July 4, 2020

Seri adiyen
Adiyen feel little relaxed now
Swamy once said “Nam guru kitta kaetundey irukkanum appo dhAn nam Arvam puriyum”
So adiyen not deviating.

Beautifully replied Kambandasan Swamy and Srivats Swami. Not only for Vikram Swami but this is a good lesson for many of us especially adiyen๐Ÿ™

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