Vaikuntha Gadyam

Updated on September 8, 2022 in Holy Books
6 on September 1, 2022

NamaskAram Swami! 

Adiyen happened to read Vaikuntha Gadyam of Bhagavad Sri RamAnujAcharyAr, wherein it is mentioned that the divine abode is full of gardens, precious stones, flowers, water springs, amusement halls, and even kalpaka taru, etc.

Adiyen wonders what the need is for all these paraphernalia when we get the sight of the supreme lord himself along with his Devis there.

Or do these exist because our minds will still not be fully fixed on Bhagawan and all Devis even after reaching the divine abode?

Or these descriptions (including jivAtmAs bearing conch and discus with four arms, etc.) are just a way to bring in that desire to reach Vaikuntham? Otherwise, don’t the descriptions look very similar to the paradise of Semitic religions?

For instance, why ‘kalpaka taru’ in a place where all our desires and wishes must cease to exist?

– Adiyen

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0 on September 4, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

“Adiyen wonders what the need is for all these paraphernalia when we get the sight of the supreme lord himself along with his Devis there.”

It is useful because it is reaching Kainkaryam of right Supreme.

In fact only there it is useful. All are Kainkarya athmAs including the tree.

Krishna Premi Anna used to say
“The flower in garden reaches its purpose only if it garland’s Krishna Lotus feets”

Else the flower is just a 🌺 🌹 flower


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2 on September 5, 2022


சரி, ஸ்வாமி!

இருப்பினும் நாமும் சங்கும் சக்ரம் தரித்துக் கொண்டு இருப்பது என்பதெல்லாம் நம் அளவு (முறை) கடந்த ஆசையின் வெளிப்பாடோ என்றே நினைக்க தோன்றுகிறது.

எல்லாவற்றுக்கும் உள்ளும் புறமும் வியாபித்து இருக்கும் பகவானே வைகுண்டமாகவும் தன்னை ஆக்கிக்கொள்கிறாரோ!

– அடியேன்

on September 8, 2022

Amam Adiyen
Sriman Narayanan Para Vasudevan gives equality to him. See Dwara Palakas in temple before garbha graham. They adorn shanku chakram yet aware of their divine duties.

Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy used to say:
“No boss promots you to his own position “The Boss” while Perumal gives equal position to him”

My opinion:
Though we say equal, we have MukthAmA & Nithya Soori difference.

Certain concepts like anAdi (beginning less) or Nithya (Always) cannot be easily understood because we are in Perishable world.

on September 8, 2022

Promots should read Promotes

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1 on September 6, 2022


அடியேன் யோசித்து பார்த்ததில், பகவான் நம்முடைய சமாஷ்ரயண லாஞ்சநங்களை நம் திவ்ய சரீரங்களுக்கும் அங்கே அளிக்கிறார் என்றே தோன்றுகிறது!

– அடியேன்

on September 8, 2022

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Very true.
Krishna Premi Swamy used to say
“When we are dead, the dhoothAs check SamAshrayana symbol embedded into our body then circumambulate us and allow us to reach Sri Vaikuntam. Even Garuda eagle 🦅 can be seen circling the dead body”


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