Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Let’s dwelve little deeper.
Why this Leela?
We are JeevAthmAs with unfulfilled Sanchitha Karma. Each one should fulfill its pending dues before joining it’s mother.
Now this will happen only if ShareerAthma Bandham that is the body-soul relationship.
For a soul which does not have any body during avyaktha state of creation or state like coma where nothing can be executed by JeevAthma in the absence of a body this soul will be distanced from Narayana for a longer time.
To reduce that there is some pickle required in this creation to stick on. What are they?
These creates interest in life and let live. Imagine life without sun for example. So each one does their job to make this jeevAthma attached to birth-death cycle. Eg: Money, Fame, Astha Maha Siddhis etc.
The prominence of Shakthi is more in this Kali Yuga because it’s understood that Krishna gave Shakthi the boon during Maha Kali birth for a shorter span in Krishna AvathAram..
To keep JeevAthmA sticking on to this creation of Sriman Narayanan all these Demi gods were created.
Why JeevAthmA accumulated Karma?
VS: AthmA is anAdi, beginingless so must be it’s Karma. The point of “Why” Karma is attached to this JeevAthma in first place is unknown to me.
Scholars say there is no beginning of soul so this question does not have an entry point which I don’t accept.
Somewhere, Krishna should have injected Karma or allowed JeevAthmA to accumulate it’s own Karma by JeevAthmA fantasizing in one of the creation which lead to the seperation of JeevAthma from the lord.
PramANam is:
Sri Vedantham Ramanuja Mahadesikan Swamy
In my poit if view, there should have been a logical beginning to Karma of a JeevAthmA when there could be an end.
“Sri Krishna in Gita says you have taken innumerable births”
It means the count does not have any sense. So they are saying Karma is anAdi too.
To my limited knowledge, it must have started at some point where Karma got attached to JeevAthmA at its own will by the awe of the creation.
That’s why Krishna allows Karma to be executed at JeevaathmA’s own will.