Why India land is only Karma Bhumi out of all countries, varshas, dwipas, lokams, planets

Updated on January 8, 2017 in General
8 on December 8, 2016

Thank you everyone for taking time and giving replies to adiyen’s doubts.

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah,

In the Big prapancham comprising of the 14 lokams from Satya-lokam to Patala lokam, with many different planets in each lokams, nakshatrams etc. In Bhu-lokam also, there are 7 dwipas, and in the Jambu-dwipa, out of 7 Varshas, we are Bharatha Varsha and in that out of many kandams, we are Bharatha Kandam and in that we are present in a small country India. Our land’s proportion in the entire Anda-kataham is infinitesimal. Something like 10 to the power of minus infinity.
Why is that only India’s land is Karma BHUMI out of the entire prapancham? Is it a fact that the karmas performed for going to other heavenly planets like sun, moon, kubera, indira, patala, naga-lokam can be done only from Bharatham ? Even Bhagavan takes avatharam only in this Bhumi. Even the sastrams and the sattvika sastrams are propagated in this bhumi only. Rivers, mountains, and places have divine relation only in this bhumi. Is this a kind of partiality on part of Bhagavan that only such minuscule portion of land in entire creation is made available this facility?
Doesn’t bhagavan take any initiatives for people living on other countries, in other kandams, other dwipas or other planets by giving them sastrams, avatharams, or divine relation etc for their ujjevanam? Why people have to born in India only for getting access to this sastra for Swarga-apavarga purusharthams? Why people in any planets or countries cannot avail these facilities ? Or people in other countries or planets can also get Swarga-apavarga purusharthams? If yes, then how it is possible if they don’t have access to sastram?

Thanking you,


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  • krishna
1 on December 11, 2016


Can u please tell me how to approve a question posted?


on December 16, 2016

1. Login to Dharma Sandeha via cell phone
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3. Click “Following” tab
4. Click “Approve” button towards left of your question ?

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0 on December 13, 2016

Please reply to the above sandeham whenever time is there.


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3 on December 16, 2016

Gautam Swami,
Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Nice question. As far as adiyen know, other countries are Bhoga Bhumi.

Practically speaking, if you see most other countries are two extremes. Pub culture & Gun culture have more prominence.
They enjoy like anything. They destroy like anything.

Only India till date, consists moderate people with better tolerance. The reason being “Karma Bhumi”. Born here for a purpose.
Swarga etc dedicated for enjoyment. Naraka punishments.

Only on Earth & in India prapatthi or SharanAgathi works better.

Why only India?
May be due to Azhwar Acharyas. Yoga Nishta maa Munis.

Adiyen would like to quote Krishna Premi Anna Swami here. Swamy used to say “we are better than Nithya Sooris”!!!!!!!!!!!!

Below is the logical explanation.

Nithya Sooris= Sadhaa Pashyanthi Sooraya:. No eye blinking always see Perumal. No sleeping.

Nothing great about this.

Whereas we stand in Srirangam Vaikunta EkAdesi queue. Forgetting sleep. Waiting for the door to open. Stand in crowd with leg pain. With extreme sweat.

For the glance of lord Sriranganatha.

By all means we are better than Nithya Sooris.

WoW, only mahan’s can give such explanations.

Coming back to India discussion, do we have such mahans outside India? ?

If yes, name & geographical locations are no limitations to them. Narada is Tri Loka sanchAri. If someone meets Maharishi Narada in USA, definitely swamy would advice the bhaktha to come back to India.

That’s what Velukkudi Swami is suggesting/recommending. “Come back to India”. Reference: En Pani Audio

Why so?
Swami says Azhwars Acharyas.

Adiyen would like to add on, there is a field where farming is happening. The land is left barren for few days. Someone comes back to re cultivate. His job becomes easier (India)

Now, someone trying to cultivate in Sahara desert. Will it be easy? (Rest of the world)

India is already spiritually enriched country. India included other countries like Pakistan China etc it was too HUGE going by Srimad Ramayana & Mahabharatham standards as against to devar’s question “small country”.

Bharatha desham bharatha kandam. Due to geographical dislocations it may have become smaller and by human specified political borders.

Once my Akka, athimber marumahan met Velukkudi swami in Dubai/Abudhabi, their excitement had no boundaries. She said only one thing to me “he is Mahaan what else we can say”. This will remind them their ROOTS & come back to India.

When vibheeshana came to do SharanAgathi to lord SriRam Valmiki wrote “he is coming back”. Technically the statement should have been “he is going to India”.

It clearly means India is home ground. Home sweet home.

Why India?
In my Velukkudi swami’s words “Vichitra Eeshwara Sankalpam”.

Adiyen have no answer to why India. I feel no partiality by Perumal. It’s a classification like Nithya vibhuthi , Leela vibhuthi.

Any credits reaches my Acharyan.
Anything deviates reaches Perumal.

on December 19, 2016

I tried logging in using my phone but I couldn’t find the link to approve my question.
Please guide

on January 1, 2017

Srimatae Ramanujaya Namaha,

Gautam Swami,
Adiyen had the same about karma bhoomi. Some say that the whole world was called as Bharata kandam in the past. Later this definition got shrinked. But adiyen was not sure about this.

Vikram Swami,
Dhanyosmi for devareer explanation. This clears some of the doubhts.

Adiyen just came across Sri Velukkudi Swamy EnPani #267 (Karma Only In Bharat) which provides us more clarity.

Adiyen Srinivasa Dasan
Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi
Sarvam SriKrisharpanam Asthu.

on January 5, 2017

Dasanudasan ElayaAlwar Swami thiruvadigaley sharanam

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0 on January 8, 2017

Swamigal Namaskaram,

I always had this question. When women in our houses undergo the mestrual period of three days, can we men light lamps for perumal and can we carry out our daily sandyavandham, slokas etc?

Is there any specific reason why we should not carry these during those three days?


Please advise

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