Why two punishment? Either as per Karma(rebirth) or Hell(cruel punishment)

Updated on July 22, 2023 in General
4 on March 13, 2023

Dear swamy/periyava,

Adiyen ramanuja dasan

When this atma not blessed, we are going to suffer. But Why two punishment?. It should be either as per Karma(rebirth) or Hell(cruel punishment). But as far as my understanding is that sin person will go to hell, after that he will get rebirth again!. When karma or rebirth itself very tough punishment, why can’t baghwan sideline the hell punishment.

Adiyen ramanuj dasan

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Please listen to explanation of Bhagavad Gita verse 8.16.

Also, 14.16 and 14.18 may give some clarity in understanding.


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0 on March 14, 2023

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
Answered in EnPaNi 2771

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1 on July 22, 2023

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

The hell punishment is to relinquish ONLY a small amount of the prarabtha karma, but rebirth in Earth is an opportunity given to do surrender to Almighty GOD SriKrishna’s Lotus feet through the prescribed lineage of Acharyas, to eradicate the prarabtha and the Sanchitha karmas, so that we come out of the birth/death and hell/heaven cycle permanently, and reach SriVaikuntam for Permanent Service to Almighty GOD and HIS favourites.

The temporary place hell punishment helps one to rehabilitate themselves so that when the rebirth is given in Earth, the punishments undergone in hell, stored in inner sub conscious level, makes them refrain from doing the bad things again. Hell punishment is like TAMING one to next level for betterment.

It’s easy to understand, if we refer to a comic analogy, like in movie avvai shanmughi which adiyen watched during adiyen older age in 90’s, where Delhi Ganesh will be following the shanmughi (kamalahasan in disguise), where he gets caught by manivannan. See from minute 3:40. Delhi Ganesh getting beaten up by manivannan and people is like hell punishment, then he asks how many numbers in my finger, Delhi says says correctly, the manivannan says “நல்லா தெளிவா இருக்கிற்றான். மயக்கதுல வட்சு அடிச்சா வலி தெரியுமா, அடுநால தான் தெளிய வாட்சு தெளிய வட்சு அடிக்கிரோம். மயக்கம் வருகிற வரை அடிங்கடா அவனை”, this is like taming till delhi Ganesh will stop following Shanmughi in future, like the athma never make the mistake again in future when rebirth is given due to the fear of past punishments.

Adiyen (ElayaAlwar) Srinivasa (DhoddayacharyAr) Dasan

on July 22, 2023

Once Delhi Ganesh admits his mistakes and take oath that he will never do the same mistake, at that time kamalahasan in original form comes there as if he don’t know anything’s Ng and saves Delhi Ganesh. This is like same Almighty GOD has set up the hell place for punishment when one does mistakes, crime etc. .and after get rehabilitated in hell, and then lead a pious life in next rebirth and surrender to same Almighty GOD, then the same Almighty GOD comes and saves them from their entire karmas….😊. What a matching analogy

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