Will Bhaghwan restart the Sristi Sankalpam play again

Updated on March 28, 2018 in General
2 on May 31, 2017

Swamyji Namaskaram!!

Two Queries:

Will Bhaghwan restart the Sristi Sankalpam play again when one day after all Jeevaathmaas attain SriVaikuntam or Moktsham?? Is this state described in Veda Sastras?

2. Since the four Yughas – Kritha,Thredhaa, Dwaabara and Kali- repeat after each Pralaya Kaal (Brahma’s one Chathur Yuga), could all the present day scientific inventions like electronic gadgets, iPhones etc., exist during earlier Kali Yugaas or different types of life-style existed??

For instance, there would have been, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs with MS and Apple, technologies existing??
If that is the case then Scientists have nothing to claim new as their inventions are not new and exist during each Kali Yugha period??!!


Adiyean Ramanuja Dhasan Srinivasan

  • Liked by
0 on July 4, 2017

In continuation of my earlier query, Is there any defined time limit set by Bhagwan for all the Jeevaathmaas to attain Moktsham.

  • Liked by
0 on March 28, 2018

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi Swami ThiruvAdiyil adiyen DhandavAt Pranaamam,




Adiyen happen to come across in one of Swami’s very initial Enpani audio 89 ‘Will Atmas Reduce to Zero’ & also in the starting of enpani 90 ‘Where after this life’, provides answer to devarir’s question-1. Swami’s uses Infinity minus Infinity equals Infinity example (∞ – ∞ = ∞). If Infinite Atmas given Moksham from Infinite Atmas, then still Infinite Atmas remain, so Leela Vibhoothi/Samsaram exists permanently (Nithyam) and Shristi/Maha Pralayam never ends.




Adiyen Srinivasa ‘DhoddAcharya’ Dasan

Adiyen UdayavAr Dasan,

Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu.

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