Namaskaram to all.
I wanted to share some understanding I got from Swami’s Vishnu sahsranamam and Yoga DVD 2018 and form this forum.
In the yoga DVD 2018 given by Swami, the yoga teacher explains about yoga nidra exercise. where one is asked to lie down calmly and be conscious of each of one’s body part..IT was explaiend that when one does this kind of yoga then one will be at peace and calm and then the next step of Dhayanam can be done easily.
So I was able to relate how this is yoga (union/connection with God)
But i was wondering why is Perumaal doing Yoga nidraa?
Then when I was reading in this forum Bhaktas repeatedly highlighted in various discussions that aatmas are body of Bhagawan.
Then yesterday in Vishnu Sahasranamam explanation of the naamam Sada Yogi.. Swami explained Perumaal is always in yoga nidraa thinking of welfare of souls to bring them back to Vaikunta.
So all the things(yoga Cd/ Forum and VSN explanation) all linked to each other and formed a beautiful fact that Peruamaal is thinking about his each part of his body(individual soul) in yoga nidraa to make them function in their normal state in Vaikuntam.
Yoga for us is to connect to Perumaal, Yoga for Perumaal is to think how to make us connect to Him :)-
I am thankful to Velukkudi Swamy for these explanations .